Sentences with phrase «stable workforce»

Unfortunately, pension systems are designed for a much more stable workforce.
This is more admin and leadership work than you are used to, but in my opinion it's the only way for firms of the future to ensure they will have a productive, stable workforce of lawyers ready to successfully carry on the legacy of departing giants.
«Nearly all agencies have stable workforce levels, with modest attrition reductions expected for the Office of Mental Health -LRB--353) and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities -LRB--253) as streamlining of institutional capacity continues,» the budget narrative states.
This is a competitive environment with a trifecta of issues: shrinking revenues, more demanding clients, and a less stable workforce.
«In addition, colocation with competitive firms and access to a well - educated, technically proficient, and stable workforce continues to draw tech to the region,» the report added.
You may want to begin hiring employees at some point to make sure that you can maintain a stable workforce.
Ensuring that your team has the tools needed to succeed in an increasingly competitive and challenging marketplace is key for startups and emerging companies, as is developing and retaining a strong, stable workforce — this often makes the difference between success and failure.
«If you're in India and you want to establish a longer - term relationship with a company, you'd like to know that the company comes from a country with solid finances, good technology and a stable workforce and government,» he says.
A stable workforce is vital to the success of farms, and Americans have failed to fill that gap as have the federal guest worker program called H - 2A.
Maintaining a stable workforce by reducing employee turnover through better benefits and flexible workplace policies also makes good business sense, as it can result in significant cost savings to employers.
«Increased automation means we can go higher in rates with a stable workforce,» Barry Lewis, head of wing manufacturing operations at Boeing's 737 plant, said during a recent factory tour.
The attractive location of the Greenbushes Lithium Operations, both in proximity to Perth and also the holiday regions of south - west Western Australia, enables Talison Lithium to recruit and retain a talented and stable workforce, who generally live in the local area.
Training an outlet's existing workforce in the way that managers prefer allows them to promote from within their company — cutting down on churn rates, lowering HR costs, and maintaining a skilled, stable workforce.
With each doctor's training costing nearly # 250,000, running a stable workforce in the NHS is key to ensuring valuable resources are not wasted.
So there really isn't any burden on the employer, other than making a much more stable workforce
The teaching profession is not a stable workforce, and it's become less stable over time.
Defined benefit pensions work best for a stable workforce, but they provide very little retirement security to early - and mid-career workers who leave before earning the sizable pension payments that come from working in one place for 25, 30, or 35 years.
He said the laws being challenged help keep a stable workforce in schools which is vital to student learning.
Those with a more stable workforce are likely to reap larger benefits from the pension system, while districts with greater teacher turnover are likely to subsidize the pensions of everyone else.
Any district with above - average turnover is essentially subsidizing retirement benefits for those with a more stable workforce.
The report reviews the research on the recruitment and retention of teachers of color, examines the current state of teachers of color in the workforce and the factors that affect their recruitment, hiring, and retention, and highlights opportunities for policymakers to grow a stable workforce of teachers of color in their districts and states.
Economic diversity also provides Winnipeg with a stable workforce and low unemployment rates.
Join us on Wednesday, 6 June in Humber Business Week to learn how to engage, retain and manage a stable workforce
Employees view screening as a desirable function management uses to create a safe, stable workforce.
«Otherwise we're forever developing the workforce and not able to reap the benefits of a good solid, stable workforce,» he said.
AUSTIN, Texas — Maintaining a high - quality, professional, and stable workforce is integral to any child welfare agency's capacity to fulfill its mission.
Thrive advocates to support the development of a highly skilled and stable workforce that receives fair compensation.
The board should gather input from experts, researchers, advocates, parents, and a diverse group of early educators and child care providers to determine the compensation necessary for educators to be self - sufficient and for the sector to retain a qualified and stable workforce.19 The board would make recommendations to establish a wage ladder and compensation standards tied to increased experience and educational qualifications, which would strengthen workforce retention.
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