Sentences with phrase «stored triglycerides»

"Stored triglycerides" refers to excess fat that your body saves for future energy use. Full definition
The main way to do this is to store glycogen in the liver (stored sugar) and then to store triglycerides in fat tissue.
They will keep us full for longer and promote the use of stored triglycerides for fuel.
While some would worry about gaining weight from adding saturated fat to their diets, the book reminds: «Scientific studies have reported that the fatty acids from MCTS in coconut oil are not easily converted into stored triglycerides, and that MCTs can not readily be used by the body to make larger fat molecules.»
This allows much more time for your body to be releasing and using stored Triglycerides from fat cells for energy.
Leptin, as I mentioned, is produced by the adipose tissue, and adipose tissue is where we store our triglyceride or dietary fat, or endogenously - synthesized fat.
The ketones are stored triglyceride and broken down into fatty acids used for energy.
If you diet in an intelligent way you'll force the stored triglyceride in your fat cells to separate from the free fatty acids, leaving them to travel to the parts of the cell that can burn them up for energy.
The extra calories that are needed for muscle growth will come from your stored triglycerides.
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