Sentences with phrase «student struggling»

Volunteers, or «reading buddies,» travel to 65 schools around the city to work with students struggling with basic reading comprehension, providing one - on - one instruction.
We've been providing help for students struggling with their writing for years, and we can assure you of stellar results.
But many early grade teachers with students struggling in math appear to be more likely to use ineffective teaching methods, according to a new study.
However, many students struggle with writing, including spelling and grammar as well as audience and purpose.
When students struggle with reading, teachers tend to look at the reader and not the reading materials.
This guide makes eight recommendations designed to help teachers, principals, and administrators use Response to Intervention for the early detection, prevention, and support of students struggling with mathematics.
Next, the teachers do some research on why students struggle with adding fractions.
It oversees hundreds of mainly for - profit schools where students struggle at remarkably high rates.
Many college students struggle with the idea of networking and don't know how to start.
If they know how to apply it, campus leaders can use data to get the resources they need, such as a math or reading specialist to help students struggling in those subjects.
There can also be «negative» selection, such as if students struggling in public schools are more likely to use vouchers.
Does the college have a counseling center to support students struggling with anxiety, depression, or other psychological issues?
As a school, we can capitalize on those strengths while explicitly teaching and strengthening the areas most students struggle in.
Every day, he would see students struggling with issues as diverse as homelessness, domestic violence, self - injury, and more.
This allowed teachers see where the majority of the class struggled as well as which students struggled on the assignment.
In the following stories, students struggled through countless battles and made it through, counting numerous wins and losses, and changing schools for themselves, their peers, and their communities.
The data I acquire from these quizzes helps provide useful information in terms of what areas students struggled with / what might need to be reviewed or strengthened.
It's not really surprising to find students struggling with writing their resume because they need to deliver the best one that they can manage to stand out from the crowd.
If you have piling student debt, you are probably worried that you will not be able to pay it off and many other students struggle with the same thoughts.
The district recently started teaching biology in 9th grade, but students struggled more with the subject than expected.
While there will always be students that remain chronically absent, the state's bold step requires schools to be more intentional about how they identify students struggling with attendance and address it.
It is common knowledge that many lawyers and law students struggle with high stress as well as high rates of depression and substance abuse.
Sometimes the reasons students struggle in school are tied to brain development that causes problems with executive functions.
Many Ph.D. advisers think it's better to let a graduate student struggle over an important new skill than to train their students properly; somehow the struggle is supposed to reinforce the lesson.
This double - dose strategy has become an increasingly popular way to aid students struggling in mathematics.
I've watched students struggle to fill out forms in class.
After noticing second grade students struggling with active listening and peer relationships, we collaborated with classroom teachers to create a second - grade unit focused on our social curriculum and their geology unit.
Use these interventions to support special education students struggling with reading and writing.
The question is not only whether students struggled with particular items, but also why they experienced difficulty.
Several students struggle with this part of college; where to start and how to start are frequently the most difficult stages.
The latest action on twitter shouldn't come as a surprise with so many American students struggling with student loan debt.
I am a very ambitious, open minded student struggling financially.
We can produce any type of academic writing you may need, whether you are a high school student trying to get a book review done or a doctoral student struggling with a dissertation.
Too often, she says, science is put on the back burner in elementary school, and that can leave students struggling when they reach her classes.
Many troubled students struggle for inclusion in social groups, and these schools offer them opportunities to belong.
I wrote the resource after seeing numerous Product Design students struggling in presenting their ideas.
Urban school leaders need to be agile thinkers skilled at adaptive leadership to address the many out - of - school factors students struggle with in these environments.
It's no secret that school districts with large populations of disadvantaged students struggle.
Sleep - deprived students struggle to pay attention, focus, and be creative.
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