Sentences with phrase «successful drug»

The most successful drug combination tested almost doubled lifespan, a feat never reported before.
Can you name some of the other areas that could be pushed forward by a single successful drug development program?
The week - long course is structured around expert lectures and case histories of successful drug discovery and development programs.
All HD - affected people are hoping for successful drug trials that result in the discovery of effective treatments for HD.
They identified a number of characteristics that were common among successful drug targets — and especially common among high - revenue drugs.
Employment offers will be contingent on successful drug testing and background investigation results.
I think it's part of the broader IPO window, and is being driven by some of the returns that have been found in the biotech world with really successful drugs.
Successful drug therapy depends upon the owner's dedication to delivering the drug exactly as prescribed, with absolutely NO changes in the dose or type of medication without veterinary consultation.
In fact, many successful drugs used today - including a host of anti-cancer agents - work in ways mysterious to scientists, largely because of insufficient biochemical knowledge of the ailments whose symptoms they relieve.
Getting rid of glucosepane and removing its contribution to degenerative aging requires only a single successful drug development program to produce a safe means of breaking down the compound.
Humira is one of the most successful drugs ever and it provides over 60 % of AbbVie's revenue.
According to those numbers, sales of Sovaldi could climb above $ 5 billion this year — which would make it the most successful drug launch ever.
The inflammatory drug space for conditions like plaque psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondilitis, and others is among the most lucrative in the world, with flagship products such as AbbVie's Humira (the best - selling drug globally) and Johnson & Johnson's Remicade making up some of big pharma's most successful drugs by sales.
«Through collaborations and licensing partnerships, numerous biotechnology and pharmaceuticals companies have gained access to Nektar's technology, which has resulted in many commercially successful drugs,» Cowen analyst Chris Shibutani wrote earlier in March.
Lawmakers also questioned Marks over two - plus hours on a range of judicial issues, including plans to expand Buffalo's successful drug intervention court to other areas of the state hit hard by the opioid overdose crisis.
«There have been reports in the news recently of successful drug busts and that is the exact reason why we must continue to fund the Sheriff's efforts.
Liposomes are successful drug delivery vehicles prescribed for several types of cancer but also for treatment of fungal infections or pain management.
Understanding the molecular pathway of this accelerated model could lead to more successful drug trials for all ALS patients.
Thanks to a highly successful drug - detecting donor dog from Canada and 16 months of training, the new class of recruits, customs officials hope, will increase performance and decrease costs.
Our goal is to develop biomarkers that directly assess the function and metabolism of ganglion cells and these will be better able to distinguish successful drugs in clinical trials.
The key to successful drug discovery, Simon said, is to know as much as possible about both the drug and the cells on which drug acts.
«To develop a truly successful drug, the relationship among all three aspects must be evaluated and understood.»
What characteristics, they asked, distinguished the targets that eventually became the focus of such successful drugs?
The reason any of this is happening is that Poppy, the world's most successful drug dealer — whom Moore interprets as Martha Stewart crossed with a demonic 1950s housewife, and whose base is a Mayan ruin she has updated with American - style movie theater and soda hop — wants to legalize her wares.
Many believe that the Vioxx controversy could potentially trigger the downfall of one of the world's largest and most successful drug manufacturers.
Conducted planning and coordination and led numerous successful drug interdictions and felony warrant arrests without injuries to either police or felons.
In patients with recurrent depression after successful drug treatment, cognitive behavioural therapy and tapered doses of antidepressants led to fewer residual symptoms and relapses than did clinical management and tapered doses of antidepressants.
Overlap — Finally, successful drug targets significantly overlap with disease genes — those in which a mutation can cause a specific disease, such as cystic fibrosis — and with essential genes, that are required for normal development.
The single successful drug was a compound known as Thiostrepton, which is known to have antibiotic properties but has never been connected with dengue virus.
In modern times, the most successful drugs in sales, so far, have been cholesterol - lowering statin drugs, as one out of every five people over the age of 50 are now taking drugs to lower one's cholesterol, raking in billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies.
«They only call when there's a crisis, and then I get to be a detective and determine how serious the problem is in terms of successful drug development,» he says.
Given the recent economic turmoil and the fact that patent protection on many successful drugs is set to expire in a few years, maintaining innovation is more essential than ever to a company's survival.
The complexity of the brain has meant that most successful drugs for treating disorders like depression, psychosis and bipolar disorder were discovered by accident and trial and error rather than rational design.
«For every successful drug, there are countless numbers that fail.
The Company uses its experience to guide progress into clinical trials, ultimately leading to successful drug development and value realisation for its investors.
Based on conversation with physician experts, SunTrust said it believes LJPC - 501 hits on multiple characteristics of a successful drug, including effectiveness at improving MAP, a good safety profile, easily titratable and positive mortality benefit as supported by a statistically significant reduction in CV SOFA score.
In the history of drug marketing, the single most successful drug to ever hit the market was a drug targeted at seniors: Lipitor, the statin drug designed to lower cholesterol levels.
Joe made his mark as Tonawanda's City Court Judge over the course of the last twenty years and transformed the job with the addition of his successful Drug Court, as well as other innovations.
«Successful drug development, imaging, and biomarkers go hand in hand,» says neurology researcher Michael Wolfe of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
This means that the company has more control over the day - to - day science, but also that the research is more likely to contribute to a successful drug, device or product.
David Altshuler, who recently left the Broad Institute for Vertex Pharmaceuticals in Boston, which makes Elder's cystic fibrosis drug, warns that although the new 1 million American cohort study may uncover new possible drug targets, it will be 10 to 15 years before any such discoveries lead to a successful drug.
To find out, the researchers looked at the relationships between 919 successful drugs, their human gene or protein targets, and the functional properties of those targets.
Successful drugs, they found, tend to bridge two of more clusters of interacting molecules.
Gleevec, Prozac, Viagra: these successful drugs all target specific proteins and provoke a desired response.
The most successful drugs have been carboplatin and cisplatin.
In order to bring a successful drug injury claim in Dallas, a claimant must prove the following:
To utilise my hands on experience, on LC / MS / MS instrument and background of organic chemistry, in metabolite identification and contribute in the drug developmental work and become the part of a team to deliver a successful drug candidate.
Objective To obtain a rewarding position in the pharmaceutical industry allowing me to utilize my laboratory, research, and interpersonal communication skills to be a positive contributor to successful drug development and an asset to my employer.
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