Sentences with phrase «such long hours»

With my second baby, I thought everything would be easier since I was no longer working such long hours.
In praise of a husband, working so hard for such long hours, who is finally home for a whole day.
Keep in mind, not all babies are able to sleep such long hours at this early an age.
Many attorneys work such long hours their coworkers feel like family.
I never worked so hard, for so long for such long hours, for so little.
We've both worked such long hours lately, that it was bound to happen — it happened to me during the first launch of BossPitch, too — where exhaustion kicks in and my body just shuts down.
Is the fact that your art takes such long hours to and excruciating attention to detail to make a comment on labor exploitation itself?
The comments on this story number in the thousands; some fault the energy drinks she was consuming to stay awake, some fault the work culture that expects such long hours, others say they do it and it hasn't killed them yet.
Those who work such long hours were found to have a 33 % increased risk of stroke and 13 % greater chance of developing coronary heart disease compared to people who work the standard 35 - to 40 - hour work week.
I love sleep sharing and our family bed, because I work such long hours, its my cuddle time with him.
Do you have to work such long hours?
«When I'm not working such long hours
Some days towards the end of writing The Bees, I was working such long hours that I probably would have slept there if I could have done.
Or it's atleast a city that you move to when you already know a bunch of people who know a bunch of people or you work such long hours that you don't notice that you're single and friendless... Good riddance!
This method is most commonly used by people with very small dogs, people who are unable to get outside easily due to health issues or living in a high - rise, and people who work such long hours that their dog can't reasonably be expected to hold it and wait to go outside.
Shock horror that the firms which don't pay so well don't work such long hours!
They've hired me for career coaching and resume writing, but both are working such long hours that they feel they can't put together enough time to complete the engaging, thought - provoking homework I ask all my clients to do.
We're in the process of downsizing our home so that my husband doesn't have to work such long hours, and these pieces are a reminder of what's important.
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