Sentences with phrase «sunset date»

It's unclear because two different laws include sunset dates for the program.
We've already changed the clocks to enjoy more sunset dates, so it's time to start changing your wardrobe colors and get out and smell the digital roses.
Get ready to pack this makeup kit for beach trips, tropical vacations, sunset dates with your sweetie, or anywhere the summer winds might take you.
Cuomo moved quickly on Tuesday to latch onto the Assembly's proposed cap on local property taxes, which includes a narrow carve - out for pension growth and a yet - to - be-determined sunset date tied to the expiration of rent control laws for New York City (The full measure can be viewed here).
The rule became effective on June 27, 2017, the current sunset date of the substances.
Now that you've moved the clocks forward to daylight savings time, it's time to think about sunset dates, changing your wardrobe to lighter colors, and getting out to smell the digital roses.
Assuming Cuomo successfully proposes erasing the tax cap sunset date — with no other caveats or conditions — he will have assured that he leaves behind an enduringly positive legacy for New York local taxpayers.
Senate Republicans say the possible sunset date coinciding with rent control complicates the agreement, but remain confident a cap will stay in place.
No specific sunset date has been announced for the tax - cap proposal, a point that Skelos has said is the only issue that's separating the three parties.
Now that we've changed the clocks to daylight savings time, it's time to think about sunset dates, changing your wardrobe to lighter colors and getting out to smell the digital roses.
John Tuohy, a Lakewood resident who helped organize opposition to the purchase, said the proposed tax comes with no sunset date.
The SAFE Act, a controversial gun control package approved in 2013, extended the sunset date of Kendra's Law to June 30 of this year.
Cuomo could keep his latest promise merely by retaining the link to rent control and adding a few years to the sunset date — leaving the cap's ultimate fate in the hands of his successor.
This strikes me as a bit of a Hail Mary (pardon the pun, please) pass when it comes to the millionaire's tax, since both Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Cuomo have refused to move off their opposition to extending it past its sunset date this year.
Silver seemed particularly delighted during the news conference as Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos struggled to say whether he supported the new cap (Skelos later released a statement saying he endorsed the plan and that only the sunset date and «minor technical details» separated» them).
A two - year extender for mayoral control would synchronize the sunset date with another high - profile New York City concern, rent control regulations, which will expire in 2019.
New Yorkers continue to part ways with Cuomo over the millionaire's tax, with voters saying 65 - 33 that the temporary PIT increase on the state's wealthiest residents should continue past its 2011 sunset date.
Another wrinkle for Cuomo: Sixty - four percent of New Yorkers want the so - called millionaire's tax to be extended pass its sunset date at the end of the year.
In the past, legislators and governors have used the sunset date to shift the balance from tenants to landlords, with what's known as vacancy decontrol, once the monthly price of an apartment and the tenants» income reach a certain threshold.
Skelos has said that a putting a sunset date on the tax cap is a deal killer.
During a Q - and - A with reporters outside his office yesterday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo reiterated his opposition to continuing the millionaire's tax past its sunset date at the end of the year, which is something members of the labor community and select Assembly Democrats (albeit not all of them) have been pushing.
That percentage would drop under the Assembly Democrats plan to boost the threshold to $ 1 million, making the tax actually live up to its name, and only for one year past the sunset date.
The original individual evaluation pathway was established as a means to address teacher shortage areas and included a sunset date of February 1, 2007 for certificates in childhood education and February 1, 2009 for all other certificates in the classroom teaching service.
Unusually the relief has a «sunset clause» applying to it which means it applies to disincorporations within the period of five years beginning on 1 April 2013 and ending on the «sunset date» of 31 March 2018.
Sixty - nine of the 99 - member Assembly Democratic conference signed a recent letter to Speaker Sheldon Silver re-stating education as a «priority» and expressing support for continuation of the so - called millionaire's tax past its sunset date at the end of the year.
They support (55 - 42) the idea of letting the millionaire's tax continue past its sunset date at the end of this year.
At the time, Skelos said he agreed with everything but the sunset date.
The deal seemed to not include Skelos, however the majority leader later released a statement saying he agreed with the plan save for the sunset date and minor details.
Cuomo embraced the property - tax cap proposal put out by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, which kept the 2 percent ceiling, but included a sunset date tied to rent control for New York City.
PEF did take a step forward on this issue as, for the first time, the union was able to secure a sunset date to submit its own anti-privatization language.
Extending current energy and efficiency laws past their sunset dates could reduce U.S. carbon emissions by an additional 5 billion metric tons by 2040.
The Legislative Analyst's Office, after concluding that the District of Choice program is working as intended, recommended in a report last month that the Legislature extend it for at least five years beyond its June 2017 sunset date.
See our website for a detailed list of concerns about this act that will negatively impact Alabama children for years as there is no sunset date on the act.
Thus, no sunset date is necessary.
«AB1X - 2 would remove the sunset date and allow Public Private Partnerships (P3s) to continue to be an option for transportation infrastructure beyond January 1, 2017.»
The IRS also confirmed that the January 1, 2011 date in the Act is a sunset date for the increased benefit.
As noted in the previous post, according to our source there is no sunset date for the current INK Plus benefits for existing cardholders, and it's likely to last for quite some time until it gets phased out.
However, the mercury used in ASGM has no sunset date and will likely become the dumping ground of mercury from other sectors.
Treaties may have a sunset date and almost always have dispute resolution clauses, often requiring international mediation or arbitration.
Beyond extending the sunset date, Burr's draft would allow intelligence agencies to resume spying on communications that make mention of a specific foreign target, widening the scope of surveillance well beyond current interpretations of the law that allow only for intercepting communications sent to or from a named target.
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