Sentences with phrase «systematic reflection»

Furthermore, there is systematic reflection on how each aspect of the program can become more productive of healing, growth, and social change.
Finally, a few of the questions at least which the first two sections gave rise to but left open, must be submitted to rather more systematic reflection.
A public theology is one that takes seriously the importance of systematic reflection on God.
He wrote more or less systematic reflections on the implications of the content of scripture regarding human nature, the predicament that requires conversion and how that predicament could have come about, the conditions under which one can be saved from one's predicament, and what all this implies about the nature of God.
He did write some impressive volumes on ascetical theology (e.g., New Seeds of Contemplation, The Climate of Monastic Prayer), but there were no books from his pen providing us with systematic reflections on the datum of the faith.
The concreteness, fullness, and irreversibility of God's Incarnation and death in Jesus of Nazareth is one of the most striking elements of Altizer's Christology and an important departure from the merely moral rendition of the Incarnation's meaning that one seems to encounter in so much of modern Protestant systematic reflection on the Incarnation.
There is a place for such a basic decision, but it is not at the outset when one begins systematic reflection about the Bible.
Reason, as a process of systematic reflection, replaces absolute axiomatic laws as the basis on which cultural meaning and coherence rests.
Those who engage in regular and systematic reflection on political / cultural issues will, unless they are utterly mindless, come to some set of interrelated conclusions — however tentatively held — as to how the world does and should work.
The prolegomena, or things to be said first, of the larger (and multivolume) systematic reflection on the matter, subtitled «a theology of the Jewish - Christian reality,» has already appeared (Discerning the Way [Seabury, 1980]-RRB-.
All theology implies a systematic reflection on the content of religious experience, aiming at a deeper and clearer understanding of the relationships between God - Creator and man - creature.
Fehlerkultur addresses the way that this systematic reflection is present (Spychiger, 2010, p. 50; Tulis, 2015, p. 63) and depends on individual student characteristics and the way in which error situations are handled in the classroom (Rach, 2012).
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