Sentences with phrase «talking donkey»

When Shrek, talking donkey in tow, turns up to take his swamp back, he gets stuck rescuing a princess bride for the pint - sized potentate.
sure the bible sounds like a children's fairy tale with unicorns, dragons, satyrs and c.ockatrice in it, along with talking donkeys and talking snakes - but it's to be taken seriously!
Welcome to the SwitchArcade Roundup for May 4th, where we're talking Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and a bunch of sales!
I find it very difficult to take adults who believe in talking donkeys seriously.
because you don't like something that's in the bible, like talking donkeys and unicorns, doesn't mean it's not in there.
The first two «Shrek» movies, in 2001 and 2004 (the latter of which now sits comfortably at # 3 on the all - time domestic box office list), had essentially the same plot: Ogre loves princess; love trouble ensues; talking donkey makes wisecracks; love conquers all.
But the ruler of this storybook kingdom is a perfectionist and gnomes, elves, and jive - talking donkeys who sounds like Eddie Murphy, just don» t fit in with the plan.
Welcome to the SwitchArcade Roundup for May 4th, where we're talking Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and a bunch of sales!
their book has talking snakes and talking donkeys in it (like in Shrek!)
too intelligent for gods, for talking snakes, for winged men, talking donkeys, reanimated sorcerers, and whatever other silly little fairy tales you think are real but defy common sense.
Q. 4 It is only acceptable as an adult to believe childish Bronze Age mythology like talking snakes, the Red Sea splitting, water turning into wine by magic, mana falling from the sky, a man living in a whale's belly, a talking donkey, superhuman strength, a man rising from the dead and angels, ghosts, gods and demons in the field of:
Lol talking snakes and talking donkeys, the sun stopping in the sky, god sending himself as a sacrifice to himself to appease his own wrath.
Is it funnier than talking donkeys and snakes, a boat carrying all the animals of the Earth, a man surviving 3 days in the belly of a fish, burning bushes and manna machines?
Another believer in DEVILS, angels, witches, talking snakes, talking donkeys!
I'll see your holy underwear and raise you a talking donkey and a plethora of Jewish zombies at the moment of Christ's death.
Nothing we do is crazier than talking donkeys, boats full of animals surviving floods covering the entire planet, people living for 900 + years, etc etc etc that you believe and read in your bible (assuming your not agnostic).
I was really having a problem with the talking donkey and the talking baby parts, but after reading your post...
It is only acceptable as an adult to believe chidish garbage like talking snakes, the Red Sea splitting, mana falling from the sky, a man living in a whale's belly, a talking donkey, superhuman strength, a man rising from the dead and angels, ghosts, gods and demons in the field of:
The Old Testament also has a talking snake, a man living in a whale's belly, a talking donkey, gaints, witches, people living to be 100s of years old.
What the election proves is that slowly but surely people are dispensing with the bronze age foolishness of belief in an imaginary sky - buddy, talking donkeys and snakes, unicorns, and telepathic communication with imaginary beings.
maybe christians are losing power because people are realizing they follow a book that has unicorns, dragons, satyrs and c.ockatrice in it, also a talking snake and a talking donkey (like in shrek), a man spends 3 days in the belly of a whale (like pinnochio), men have wings on their back and fly..
talking Donkeys?
God can use a talking donkey to get His message over He can even use people who bray like a donkey.
or because there is a talking snake and talking donkey (just like in Shrek!)
There are many times in my life that I wish God would use a talking donkey, or something just as obvious, to speak to me because I often need a sign or two before I recourse.
Talking donkeys and snakes, the flood and sky - fire, the garden of Eden and the Tower of Bable, all fall into the story category and should not be used as a basis for any kind of morality or modern judgment.
It is downright cruel to interrupt our collective silence with grand ideas of gods and talking donkeys, only to present personal experience or «divine» feelings in your «heart,» «gut,» «spirit» or wherever to back them up.
there are talking donkeys and talking snakes in the bible.
Why Milennials are leaving the church: Because a 21st century education inscience leaves no logical room for: men made from mud, 6000 - yr - old planet, talking donkeys, talking snakes, talking shrubbery, insects that wear hats, water turning to blood, corpses returning from the grave, flying men (winged and not - winged), or prophecy.
don't forget the talking donkey - just like in Shrek!
«a talking donkey»: can you show me where the bible says that the donkey was able to actually talk in the sense that other people had they been standing there would have heard it?
LOL... looks like that lunatic Xenia took a large dose of these magic mushrooms... can't wait to hear her rant about the burning bush and talking donkeys.
probably 90 % of the bible never happened, including the talking snake, people living to be hundreds of years old the worldwide flood, all people originating with adam and eve, a talking donkey, etc., etc..
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