Sentences with phrase «technological progress»

"Technological progress" refers to advancements and improvements made in technology, which are aimed at making things better, easier, or more efficient. It involves the development and implementation of new inventions, ideas, and processes that help us achieve tasks or solve problems more effectively. Full definition
For example, the history of technological progress in the past hundred years is full of amazing things that would have seemed miraculous, if not incredible, in an earlier day.
My research suggests that the trends in teacher quantity and pay are driven by the nature of technological progress in the larger economy.
Beyond 50 years our vulnerability will increase exponentially with technological progress until the latter levels off.
The chart also accounts for technological progress, which is particularly significant for solar as manufacturing processes get more efficient.
The company said that the wind farm would benefit from the rapid technological progress expected in the industry before it is due to start operating in 2025.
The site puts an emphasis on sustainability issues, including the use and technological progress made with various types of alternative or renewable energy.
And it is technological progress which is the key to economic progress and thus environmental progress.
It also means we still have about 50 years of reserves in the ground, assuming continued technological progress.
The reason is that while technological progress is essential to increasing the capacity of alternative energy production sources, like solar (thermal and electrical), such improvements will be marginal at best.
Or if it's the role of technology, whether or not technological progress necessarily implies inequality, and if it does what do we do about it.
It would be easier this time, the experts say, because of technological progress over the intervening decades.
Laws just delay the inevitable by trying to stop technological progress.
Or, do technological progress and innovation lead to reduced inequality and higher prosperity?
The end result of this process is to fundamentally undermine not just technological progress but democracy itself.
Supporters of growth argue that with this growth comes technological progress and that this generates the needed resources and means of keeping pollution within acceptable limits.
One could even say that without technological progress, the entire concept of «game design» would never have arisen in the first place.
History gives us no reason to be pessimistic with respect to future technological progress.
These improvements in outcomes have surfaced amidst a number of other important changes in the environment as well, including significant technological progress and better economic policies.
We need first to recognize the tremendous tension between technological progress and the health of the environment, including all organisms in it.
Every year technological progress provides a huge variety of resources for a digital learning.
So, how do we manage technological progress in a world of finite resources?
You are in control of the planet's shield as it tries to find its way between its own natural well - being and the cost of human technological progress.
It is nevertheless important to monitor technological progress since climate policy analysis would increasingly require such cost parameters and because technology understanding would guide policy of research and development of this nascent technology.
Although technological progress can alter the relative costs of different energy sources, depletion inevitably must raise the costs of fossil fuels leading to their displacement by alternative energy sources.
There is more reliance on combined heat and power, more nuclear and other technological progress that reduces energy intensity.
Such examples suggest that holding technological progress back could do far more environmental damage than accelerating it.
Even before 2015, rapid learning by doing and technological progress kept costs stable in a high oil - price world while the rest of the industry struggled with cost inflation.
Moreover, supply - side restrictions can limit technological progress that can have very positive economic and environmental consequences.
And it's fair to see this as a step for technological progress.
The evidence casts doubt on the idea that rapid technological progress is the primary driver here, suggesting rather that institutional and structural factors are to blame.
We see the impact of technological progress in the office sector, where space per worker has been declining for some time.
We can say that while being fully appreciative of the benefits of technological progress for ordinary lives, from extended life expectancy to the democratic worlds of the screen.
SS: Much of what we think of as technological progress from the modern era like easy access to electricity required government intervention.
Danila Tkachenko has travelled through Russia and Kazakhstan in search of bold attempts at technological progress by the Soviet Union that were abandoned
In your feature on technological progress, anthropologist Dietrich Stout suggests that the march of innovation may result from copying errors,...
«We ask questions about technological progress and we always will,» Dugan said.»
Saving lives through technological progress has helped ignite a population bomb that now threatens many more than were saved.
The electrical signaling bottleneck between current microelectronic chips has left light communication as one of the only options left for further technological progress.
If up to two thirds of fossil fuels can not be burned, investors in these projects risk being left with up to $ 2 trillion in «stranded assets», investments rendered valueless by a combination of rapid technological progress from renewables, more stringent climate policies and shifts in market sentiment.
And for the first time in a century, the accelerating technological progress of electric cars raised the prospect of technology competition aimed squarely at the citadel of oil demand — the transportation sector.
His current research focuses on how technological progress is decoupling humanity's environmental footprint from economic growth, and the implications of this process for conservation theory and practice.
These images, taken by photographer Danila Tkachenko in Russia and Kazakhstan, show bold attempts at technological progress that were abandoned.
«Commerce is a positive - sum game in which everybody can win; as technological progress allows the exchange of goods and ideas over longer distances and among larger groups of trading partners, other people become more valuable alive than dead, and they are less likely to become targets of demonization and dehumanization».

Phrases with «technological progress»

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