Sentences with phrase «term of access to justice»

Why is the idea of asking service users what they need in terms of access to justice so challenging to those working in the justice system?
Even more important in terms of access to justice for our clients is that responsibility for decision making about funding must be subject to rigorous independent scrutiny.
So A, I saw a huge problem in terms of access to justice, people being able to afford and access good, high quality legal help.
The implications of this debt load are staggering and can not be overstated in terms of access to justice consequences.
In terms of access to justice, perhaps we should be talking about legal service providers, including lawyers, paralegals, advocates, online document services and more and legal service consumers.
Furthermore, in terms of access to justice, the fairly stringent leave conditions under the Supreme Court Act 2003, are a greater barrier to bringing forward an appeal (at least in a civil case) than was the case with the Privy Council where disputes that involved a monetary amount of $ 5,000 or more could be brought as of right.
Haben Girma: Some of the barriers that exist in terms of access to justice are physical.
He took the opportunity to make some pointed comments about laywers having to «pull together» during this time of significant challenges both and in the profession and the justice system — not only in terms of access to justice but in failing confidence of the public in their legal representatives.
If an online procedure does not reduce the costs for small claims litigants then it loses its major source of attraction in terms of access to justice.
Yet just the other day Slaw presented a hand - wringing posting arguing that in terms of access to justice; «perfection» has become the «enemy of the good».
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