Sentences with phrase «term temperature»

So it isn't surprising that the long term temperature trend data doesn't seem to be significantly affected by station quality issues.
The problem is that most weather station records are not kept for monitoring long term temperature trends.
Three quarters of the earth's surface is water for which we have no real long term temperature record of any quality.
We focus on ensuring near - term decisions align with our long - term temperature goals so all people can benefit from safer world and thriving economies.
These changes led to an overall decline in long - term temperature variability, the research finds.
This can't possibly be driving a long term temperature increase.
If the observation that CO2 lags temperature by 800 years is accurate, then debating short term variations of atmospheric CO2 when compared to short term temperature variations of that atmosphere seems pointless.
Long - term temperature reconstructions often rely on the width of tree rings: they assume that warmer summers make for wider rings.
Often, 10 -, 30 -, or 50 - year running means are applied to temperature reconstructions to estimate long - term temperature averages.
He thinks this would miss short term temperature spikes.
They note that many long - term temperature stations are now surrounded by larger cities and could contribute to the warming seen in urban stations.
Only by including carbon cycle feedbacks and longer time periods than 100 years in your projections can you come up with realistic long - term temperature estimates.
The total variance of the long - term temperature time series must increase by a new human contribution.
A thermometer that reacts quickly will record short term temperature swings that a heavier and more slowly reacting thermometer does not.
Despite more than one hundred years with man - made carbon emissions, the long term temperature trend has increased by only 1 °C.
There is a distinctly defensive tone to these posts, based on the suggestion that short term temperature changes can not yield any significant information.
As greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to rise, scientists expect the long - term temperature increase to continue as well.
This effect will occur once and will not affect the long term temperature trend.
How does this compare to long term temperature variation since the ice age?
This would also support my contention that shorter term temperature trends are not much good for indicating the future problems.
This puts emissions on a long - term trajectory consistent with stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at around 650 parts per million CO2 equivalent, suggesting a long - term temperature rise of over 3.5 [degrees Celsius].»
Using long term temperature data from a single measurement station (virtually raw data) gave a strong temperature - sun relationship (in the few cases I tried).
Just last month, Soon co-authored a paper claiming to debunk decades of science using a «simple» model of long term temperature projections.
Some years back, we hypothesized that changes to climate variability, rather than changes to mean climate, might tip the balance towards the chytrid fungus because all pathogens are smaller and have faster metabolisms than their hosts, and thus might acclimate more quickly following short - term temperature shifts [link].
Natural variability [the impact of factors such as long - term temperature cycles in the oceans and the output of the sun] has been shown over the past two decades to have a magnitude that dominates the greenhouse warming effect,» Georgia Tech climate science department chief Professor Judith Curry told the Daily Mail.
As the chart depicts over 12 different time periods (all ending July 2014), reality is that while CO2 levels keep increasing over time, the long - term temperature warming trend (the red curve) is not rapidly accelerating towards a tipping point of climate catastrophe.
Thus the IPCC multi-model average of simulations do not reflect these short - term temperature influences, which is not a problem for long - term predictions, because positive and negative short - term cycles and noise average out to zero over long timeframes.
«We were surprised because under normal conditions, Kimberley corals can tolerate short - term temperature extremes and regular exposure to air without obvious signs of stress.»
The «warming hole» is a region over the North Atlantic, just south of Greenland, where long - term temperature maps suggest air temperatures have been cooling slightly over the last century, rather than warming like most of the rest of the world.
However, as I discussed in Part 1A, the combination of calculating based on Anomalies and the climatological concept of Teleconnection means that we need far fewer stations than most people realise to capture the long - term temperature signal.
I believe that a Vaulted entrance would greatly improve the long - term temperature stability of the cellar, as it is around the entrance where the cellar is most exposed to sun and air.
Such conditions, termed temperature inversions (increasing air temperature with increasing altitude), strongly inhibit atmospheric mixing and can cause acute distress in the population and even, under extremely severe conditions, loss of life.
But remember, the existing products include a compensation to try and remove UHI, UHI only impacts our long term temperature results if the magnitude of the effect is growing, and each station's data still has to be added to the results for all other stations using Area Weighted Averaging.
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