Sentences with phrase «terms of the court order»

A scenario where the payment is made over an extensive period of time is usually unacceptable even if payment of the instalments are fully protected in terms of the court order.
The CA decided that no such risk existed as terms of the court order pursuant to which the deputy was acting could be amended so that there was a limit on the authority of the claimant's deputy, whereby no application for public funding of the claimant's care needs under s 21 of the National Assistance Act 1948 could be made without further order, direction or authority from the Court of Protection.
If LAUSD failed to abide by the terms of the court orders, CCSA had the ability to immediately seek redress before the Court, which retained jurisdiction over the case.
As a result, they might be unjustly accused of not complying with the terms of the court order.
Maintenance Enforcement Program: The Alberta Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) is authorized by the Alberta Maintenance Enforcement Act to ensure that individuals meet their obligations to pay spousal and child support under the terms of their court orders and certain agreements.
Ensure that if the terms of the court order or contract require it, sufficient provision is made in the will for the making of support payments after the testator's death.
A search order is used in instances in which the Claimant believes that a Defendant would destroy evidence regardless of the terms of a Court Order.
A person may be able to modify child support if that person can show that the terms of a court order are «unreasonable and unfair» and, also, show one or more of the follow factors:
In this case, the court found that the terms of the court order were clear and unambiguous.
If a parent does not abide by the terms of the court order or written permission of the other parent, the traveling parent could face civil or criminal penalties.
In a final hearing or during a divorce trial, the judge may tell the parties about the terms of the court orders the judge plans to issue.
It is not legally enforceable, although its contents can negate a term of a court order so that it is no longer enforceable.
the spouse, civil partner or cohabitant, in keeping with the terms of a court order or a legal agreement with the person, pays a specific amount to the person to fund mortgage repayments / rent, or
Whether a child sleeps over at a friend's house, her grandparent's house or her non-custodial parent's house, the custodial parent still has custody during those times, according to the terms of the court order.
Parenting coordination — We offer parenting coordination services for families having difficulty in carrying out the terms of a court order, but do not want to go back to court.
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