Sentences with word «tetrapod»

The word "tetrapod" refers to a group of animals that have four legs. It includes creatures such as mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Full definition
The authors re-examine in detail a group of tetrapod fossils (genus Acanthostega) from present - day Greenland and show that the specimens, which are about 365 million years old, were all juveniles at the time of death and had an aquatic lifestyle.
«All of them are a little weird,» says Cambridge University professor emeritus Jennifer Clack, the grand dame of early tetrapod research.
It was all extremely fish - like,» explains Pardo, outlining anatomy that's common in fish but unknown in tetrapods except in the very first.
Burnmouth Harbor, shown at low tide, is one of several sites in Scotland where researchers dug for tetrapod fossils.
The forelimbs of tetrapod evolved from the pectoral fins of the ancestral fish.
The fossil record shows a progressive order, and when considering the major vertebrate classes, we see fish with tetrapod features, reptiles with mammalian features, reptiles with avian features.
This indicates that a major genetic shift (posteriorisation) occurred as tetrapods evolved.
Acanthostega is also the first tetrapod with a sacrum, strengthening the pelvis - hind limb connection.
A new study comparing the forces acting on fins of mudskipper fish and on the forelimbs of tiger salamanders can now be used to analyze early fossils that spanned the water - to - land transition in tetrapod evolution, and further understand their capability to move on land.
Both of these changes were seen in stem tetrapods as they moved onto land.
If, as his article suggests, claspers are the progenitors of tetrapod limbs, then where do nearly amphibious lobe - finned fish such as Tiktaalik, of the same age as his placoderms, fit in this phylogeny?
«None of them are like tetrapods from later on.
Scientists had diagrammed the somewhat smooth distributions of other tetrapods — vertebrates descended from the earliest four - limbed creatures.
In 2010, the apparent discovery of terrestrial tetrapod tracks in Poland's Zachelmie quarry made headlines.
«In a number of these trackways, the animals alternate their limbs, which suggested that they must have been made by tetrapods walking on a solid substrate,» said Melina Hale, PhD, associate professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy.
Enlargement of eyes prepared ancient aquatic tetrapods for later colonization of terrestrial environments.
Clack, however, believes a reassessment of the consensus view on tetrapod evolution might be in order.
«It's not like tetrapods had to invent an entirely new system.
Mudskipper fish and tiger salamanders have similar characteristics to early tetrapod ancestors.
It is the first discovery of a so - called tetrapod from the Devonian Period in continental Europe, which may trigger an interest in re-examining objects in museums.
Fish with tetrapod features, reptiles with mammalian features, reptiles with avian feature all exist in the correct temporal / morphological order.
However they also found that after the rainforest collapse surviving tetrapod species began to disperse more freely across the globe, colonising new habitats further from the equator.
Nearly 400 million years old, they are 18 million years more ancient than the oldest known tetrapod bones.
Despite this being a catastrophic event for plants, it has been unclear how this affected the early tetrapod community.
«Among vertebrate tetrapods — things with four limbs — the axolotl is one of the best regenerators out there,» says Jeffrey Nelson, a former postdoctoral fellow in regenerative biology at the Morgridge Institute.
«The high regenerative capacities were lost in the evolutionary history of the different tetrapod lineages, at least once, but likely multiple times independently, among them also the lineage leading to mammals.»
A new study from a team of scientists from the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) and Clemson University evaluates what mechanisms drive diversity in bone function, providing new insight into the evolution of how tetrapods — the earliest four - legged vertebrate animals — took their first steps on land.
The researchers discovered similar 3 - dimensional DNA organization of the fish and mouse clusters, which indicates that the main mechanism used to pattern tetrapod limbs was already present in fish.
The teeth were naked dentine, the same material that underlies the enamel in your teeth and those of most modern tetrapods.
Far more surprising, however, is the fact that this pattern is not evident among the remaining tetrapods.
Instead, Giapintzakis argues that the effect occurs when carbon atoms condense out of the superhot plasma generated by the laser into tiny tetrapod - shaped structures.
In addition to a few ray - finned fish, some sharks and tetrapods survived the Hangenberg event.
The findings indicate that these stages of ear evolution were set 10 million years before tetrapods appeared, the team reports 19 January in Nature.
These two palaeoenvironments would have been inhabited by groups of different tetrapods during the Permian Period.
Therefore, they propose that fin radials, the bony elements of fins, are not homologous to tetrapod digits, although they rely in part on a shared regulatory strategy.
Tetrapod footprints dating back 397 million years have been discovered in the Świętokrzyskie mountains in southern Poland in what was, at the time they were made, a seashore.
The researchers did a 3D reconstruction of the skull and discovered that it showed specialization in the jaw that was unprecedented in any other known small tetrapod, juvenile or adult.
Unfortunately, the available fossils of tetrapodlike fish such as Tiktaalik and early tetrapods carry no evidence of how they reproduced.
SEX AND BONES Although the discovery of internal fertilization in 375 - million - year - old fossils is as important as John A. Long makes it out to be in «Dawn of the Deed,» his article made the leap from placoderms to tetrapods without mention of lobe - finned fish.
It's possible that aquatic tetrapods swam into shallow waters — or were washed in during storms or seasonal monsoons.
The shoulders and pelvis of early tetrapods expanded and strengthened, allowing for load - bearing on land.
It also had the beginnings of a neck and a primitive wrist, as well as a middle ear — tetrapod traits not seen in fish.
For lobe - finned fishes» tetrapod descendants, however, the sacs evolved into lungs.
Tetrapod World: early evolution and diversification (TW: eed) re-created the environments these distant relatives called home.
TW: eed researchers focused on a handful of sites in Scotland, which was much closer to the equator and had a tropical climate when tetrapods were first coming ashore.
At more than 390 million years old, the trackways would predate by tens of millions of years the period we thought tetrapods left water for land.
Sensory Systems In March, researchers found that tetrapod eyes tripled in size just before they transitioned to land.
Locomotion The muscles and bones in lobe - finned fish appendages gave tetrapods, ahem, a leg up on adapting to life on land.
A 2012 reconstruction of early tetrapod Ichthyostega suggests that it couldn't bend side - to - side like lizards do as they walk.

Phrases with «tetrapod»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z