Sentences with phrase «than events»

Rather than an event of a few hours, weeks or months, the new study looks at how glaciers have changed over the past century.
But it's a policy that protects you against far more than the events of this week.
But it's a policy that protects you against far more than the events of this week.
This demonstrates that the long - term historical record, rather than events in a single year, is much more important for understanding what is happening.
Regardless you have no empirical evidence for anything else occurring other than the events within that span.
But to understand contemporary race relations we need to go back a lot further than the events of the last few months.
But a lame holiday event is worse than no event at all.
All of these things relate to trending topics of the day, and are more likely to get you news coverage than your event alone.
The horror is always there, every day, all over the world, just more conveniently out of sight than this event.
More difficult than the event itself is the aftermath.
However, other than this event if I were you I would wear the floral dress every weekend!
It's a solid performance, and that helps to make American Made more a study of this character than an events - based biography.
Thanks to four - wheel drive, even low - speed acceleration is always more of a gesture than an event.
However, getting there is more of a journey than an event.
Fine print: please note that studio affiliation is different than event sponsorship.
Events on - campus are usually less formal than events in hotels.
Think about it: What better exposure for a region than an event that captures the world's attention for nearly an entire month?
Remember bonding is a process rather than an event and that you and your baby are designed to bond with each other after birth.
Humans have a tendency to place particular events into mental compartments and the difference between these compartments sometimes impacts our behavior more than the events themselves.
If Red appears as a main character or cameo, he will be older than the events in Red Dead Revolver, but this still makes John Marston younger than his character in Red Dead Redemption.
This is far less than events such as the Olympics (3.6 million tons estimated CO2 emissions), or the World Cup (2.9 million tons).
The observations established that the region where M87's radio emissions come from is not much bigger than the event horizon itself.
I can't really explain it, other than the events around the world and here in the states have been weighing heavily...
His wild west adventures take place about 50 years later than the events in Red Dead Revolver, set during the early, pre-industrialized 20th century.
It is a private and silent birth of the soul, but it is no less holy than the event of childbirth, perhaps it is even more sacred.»
The black hole's sphere of influence — the region within which the gravity due to the black hole wins out over that due to visible stars — is much larger than the event horizon, the point of no return, which would be about eight times the size of Pluto's orbit for the NGC1600 black hole.
The subduction zone earthquake expected in the future of the Pacific Northwest is expected to be larger than the event in Nepal.
The digital revolution and its subsequent self - publishing hey day have perhaps sparked more change in literature and publishing than any event since Gutenberg started tinkering, but for all of the great talk of «equalizing» and breaking down barriers, what industry watchers were really referring to was text - based novels.
The digital revolution and its subsequent self - publishing hey day have perhaps sparked more change in literature and publishing than any event since Gutenberg started tinkering, but for all of the great talk of «equalizing» and breaking down barriers, what industry watchers were really referring to was text - based... [Read more...]
Theres no debating reality lesbians are working with a far smaller potential dating pool than straight women, and (for reasons unknown to me) there are far fewer lesbian geared events than events geared at gay males.
So if Santayana is not an «event ontologist» like Whitehead, it is not because he thinks ordinary continuants or «primary substances» are ontologically more basic than events, which he does not, but because he speaks of the derivation of one event from another as the transmission of matter or substance, in the sense of ulh, from one to another.
The consequence of the wholesale reduction of ceremony has been to reduce much of Protestant worship to the cerebral; it has become an experience of the intellect rather than an event involving one's whole being.
The deepseated assumption that substances in relative motion are more real than events continues to characterize most thinking in our time.
The Gospel is about the Kingdom of God, which culminates in the death and resurrection of Jesus where things shifted in the heavenly realms, but is broader than that event.
The awful things that supposedly happened because «God told or commanded them to do it» are even more sickening than events of today where the same excuse is used by people such as extremists and Muslim Isis.
Fall out of the top 4 (and CL places) as a result of structural flaws like ours, (rather than an event driven one like Man U or Chelsea) and even Kroenke will see the value of his asset reduced sharply and quickly.
The tee time draw is more important at The Open than any event in golf.
They're possibly less beholden to the IOC than any other group (yes, even possibly USA Basketball players) so these problems might be more about the locale than the event.
Meteors cause the atmosphere to glow more brightly than this event, and they trace out long streaks that can be seen for hundreds of milliseconds — much longer than the TIGER.
More - stringent tests will be possible if and when LIGO detects black - hole mergers that are larger than this one, or that occur closer to Earth than the Event's estimated distance of 1.3 billion light years, and thus give «louder» waves that stay above the noise for longer.
Domov o podjetju; storitve women provides a rather than the event invitation.
It is so simple, but yet it feels that every little thing Lady Bird goes through seems more monumental than the event preceding it.
Farhadi is a man more interested in impact than event.
Yes, The Campaign is actually a comedy, but it's not really that much more absurd than the events depicted in «Game Change.»
It can happen at any time, but no sooner than the event — the lesson, assessment, meeting, or Socrative Discussion — begins taking place.
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