Sentences with phrase «than mercury»

My bad, Vitamin K shot contains aluminum (which some believe is just as bad if not worse than mercury).
This screenshot of the Excel file where I record the transcribed values shows that for the very last month of parallel recordings at Mildura, the electronic probe was often recording hotter than the mercury thermometer by up to 0.4 degree Celsius.
Resistance thermometers used in industry normally had slower response than mercury in glass thermometers.
As United Nations delegates end their mercury treaty talks today, scientists warn that ongoing emissions are more of a threat to food webs than the mercury already in the environment.
Awareness of global warming among Americans is shooting up faster than the mercury in a drought - ravaged cornfield.
Venus is much hotter than mercury, and absent a greenhouse atmosphere would be only moderately warmer than earth, it is a striking example of the greenhouse effect.
Requires the Administrator to: (1) request information from owners / operators of coal - fired electric generation facilities about hazardous air pollutants other than mercury; and (2) propose and promulgate emission standards.
In fact, Table 1 shows that for the last month of available parallel measurements the electronic probe (Tmax - Probe) often recorded considerably warmer than the mercury thermometer (Tmax - LIG).
Somewhat surprisingly, the automatic weather stations at Mildura for these three Septembers recorded statistically significantly cooler temperatures than the mercury thermometers.
If you want your display to forego flashy and emanate elegant, nothing is more fitting than our mercury glass ornaments.
LED lights also last longer than mercury vapor bulbs — seven years compared to two years, meaning there would be fewer interruptions for maintenance.
New mercury emissions seem to be more of a threat than the mercury already out there from previous emissions, according to some scientists
In addition to demonstrating that aluminum is now a better timekeeper than mercury, the latest results confirm that optical clocks are widening their lead — in some respects — over the NIST - F1 cesium fountain clock, the U.S. civilian time standard, which currently keeps time to within 1 second in about 100 million years.
Although they are distinctly different than mercury in chemical composition, they also bioaccumulate up the food chain, and some fish may contain all three contaminants.
In the study, in fact, the participants with the highest mercury exposure appeared to be at slightly less risk of heart attack and stroke than those with the lowest exposure, a trend that is probably due to the benefits of fish consumption rather than the mercury itself, the researchers say.
Carbon rules are an even bigger worry for utilities than mercury emissions limits.
Again — the dark, solid color of the bronze holders carries more visual weight than the mercury holder, so I used them opposite the branches since the branches are still the main focal point.
University of Wisconsin researchers recently found that mercury added to a lake reached top predators faster than the mercury that already existed in their environment.
Table 1 in the above blog post shows that the electronic probe currently recording measurements at Mildura is recording warmer than a mercury thermometer would... this is not yet even acknowledged by the Bureau, there is certainly no adjusting down to compensate!
Given electronic probes generally respond more quickly to fluctuations in air temperature than mercury thermometers, it follows that this method — instantaneous recordings from an electronic probe — would result in new temperature maxima under the same weather conditions.
On balance, the omega - 3 fatty acids may be better for you than the mercury is bad for you as long as you are not eating it every day.
«This is a bogus argument, this is not different than other regulations, than mercury or acid rain.»
Like most conventional cosmetic products, though, most mascaras on the market contain some unhealthy chemicals like parabens (endocrine disruptors that have been linked to cancer), aluminum powder (a neurotoxin that is considered to be far worse than mercury — yikes!)
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