Sentences with phrase «than weight training»

There is a common myth that women should only focus on cardio workouts rather than weight training.
We find it much easier to skip a fitness training session than a weight training session.
But you can burn far more calories doing cardio exercises than weight training, contrary to the popular belief.
Depending on the duration and intensity of your workouts, it's most often true that cardio burns more calories than a weight training session.
In my experience, cardio also increases your appetite far more than weight training does — despite the latter burning more calories overall.
I sit at a desk all day, than weight train at night for about an hour.
It makes me feel strong, probably stronger than weight training.
Fitness results come more from diet than weight training.
Nothing is more effective at increasing your strength than weight training.
Depending on time constraints, I would usually cut the cardio session short rather than the weight training.
Weight training burns more calories than cardio Many people believe that doing cardio burns more calories than weight training.
Tip 1: Weight not, weigh not The secret is to choose strength training rather than weight training.
No exercise left out of your routine will increase your risk for osteoporosis and fractures more than weight training.
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