Sentences with phrase «thing of one's own»

But most health and safety professionals have no particular expertise in assessing the benefits of a classroom lesson, an educational outing, a tree or some other thing of beauty.
A firm realizes many benefits when it moves to the cloud: the dreaded blue screen and hard drive crashes become things of the past.
The other only thing of interest that this site offers is the rapid match.
We are all fine and need to focus on being human rather than the play things of gods..
I have to remind myself of this type of thing all of the time.
One of the good things of living in this modern world is that every person, including single parents, has various opportunities to meet other people.
I'm someone who will like to share the good things of life with someone who has the same interests than..
Instead, they would need to show that administration officials took formal government action in exchange for payments or other things of value.
Making things of this nature allows me to have access to healthy items to have on the go.
We think of things of value as placed on the wall.
Besides that, they are very comfortable (which is the most important thing of course).
Two things of great interest emerged from these considerations.
And you know, everything looks better with a fresh coat of paint — hope all the glitches are now things of the past and you can enjoy your «new» home.
Actual occasions, or «drops of experience,» are the final real things of which the world is made, and there is no going behind them to find anything more real.
So many exceptionally bright people spending so much time and money on things of no real benefit is such a terrible, terrible waste.
It was the only thing of real note that happened.
The important thing of course is not to copy them as they are but to use them to provide your personal information.
The only thing of value in a word is not the word itself, but the cause of the word.
Have a conversation after each book about things of interest like the ways babies are carried, fed, and played with and how big siblings can be a part of these things.
One of my favorite things of beauty in my home is my oil lamp.
Two things of importance about me that you should be aware of: I have bad short term memory, and I also have bad short term memory.
But, it isn't the same thing of just melting chocolate + coconut oil in milk on the stove?
Because if it was meant as your personal prayer... that whole thing of praying on street corners comes to mind.
Quite frankly, the only good thing of note was the sunshine!
They're in the light, and in the light the small things of this world look very small.
On my blog, I try to share my way of seeing life and show that happiness is in the simple things of everyday life.
One thing of concern however is the price and if there will be a subsidized version.
The storage basket will let you store things of baby or the ones you shop without you holding them in your hands.
Without knowing much specific about climate models, coming from chemical modelling I'd expect two general things of them.
The worst thing of all these causes is virus and the dangerous virus for dog is rabies.
As such, I'm going to refrain from doing my usual thing of trying to predict it.
It's simultaneously one of the most rewarding and challenging things any of us will ever attempt.
It's one of the last things of value that we have to sell in order to facilitate the continued lavish, unsustainable lifestyle to which we've all grown accustomed.
We can try to exert influence on other people, guide them, support them and directly ask things of them, but ultimately, we have no control over them at all.
I love looking at everyone's favorite things of fall.
These sites are able to bring together, people who want the finer things of life with those who possess these finer things and are willing to share them.
I have figured out a few things all of which are free or cheap, this is still in the planning stages.
You can utilize your excess goods, manufacturing capacity or time to obtain needed things of every imaginable variety.
The word «practicing» brings up to me the whole false witness thing of the so - called «homosexual lifestyle», whatever that might be.
This kind of faith moves our «confident assurance» away from our own self - centered ideals and toward the deeper things of our soul.
When we go to the cinema, we expect certain things of big - screen scientists.
If you show a negative attitude toward things of a financial nature, chances are, your child will too.
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