Sentences with phrase «things writing»

This man is a fine speaker I like his lectures although this is the second of him you showed me but has mentioned many of things I wrote about before in different blogs.
We will start from the header as the first thing you write in resume is name, city, address, contact number and e-mail address.
There's a lot of strange things written on the walls.
So here I am, constantly trying to get media attention for my game, only to find all these other things I write about in my spare time catch fire instead.
Most are pretty much derivatives of things written by other trainers 100 years ago.
So many things you wrote today sounded like thoughts in my own head.
So, don't submit the very first thing you write just to get it over with.
Do the answers to my questions match up with things he wrote on his profile?
It's the kind of thing you write before you've found your voice.
- which is basically the same thing I wrote in my last paragraph.
The last thing you wrote made wonder about this possibility: A sequel?
I know that there are few who want to read everything I write, but there are many who want to read a few things I write.
The success of completing one collection has boosted my self - confidence about getting things written.
All the lovely things you wrote about are just so much better when the temperature is right.
Start looking at the different plans, specifically checking the coverage for the 3 things you wrote down earlier.
It is nice to hear that things I write make a difference for people.
So you think that being hung from a tree is the same as having nasty things written about you on the internet?
Among the many things you wrote under the skills section, did you include something like, «proficient in word processing»?
People get rejected from jobs for stupid things they write every day.
Not only is it deeply concerning, it's also a strong indication that there may be other unpleasant things written into your lease.
I have more things written about what's going on but I need time to process and feel more confident in telling the world about it.
This is a short thing I wrote about this the other day.
How else are we to interpret the goofy things you write?
Easily the most intelligent thing written on this subject.
So, let us change our minds about things we wrote over a month ago and, in some cases, renew our faith in our opinions.
These contests give kids opportunities to write about their dads, and we're always amazed at the remarkable, heartfelt things they write.
People ask me how I come up with the motivating things I write and I'll tell you if you haven't already guessed — I need to hear them!
Door banners: Who doesn't want to walk up to their classroom and see wonderful things written about them?
Listening thing writes expect you to comprehend a sound or video recording of a credible address, introduction or dialogue from a scholarly source.
Though I didn't share the most honest things I wrote.
There have been a number of things written lately about lawyers and technology indicating that this conversation has begun to emerge.
Your Resume consists of factual things written in a standard format.
I find it helps to let things I write — including resumes — «rest» for a day or two before I look at them again.
Thank you for all the supportive things you wrote on my last few posts.
After reading your post I am changing my thoughts to our greatest year of all those beautiful things you wrote!
Every single thing you wrote here is complete nonsense.
I'm going to turn 29 in less than two months and I can relate to every single thing you wrote here.
If you look at things written in the 1950s about the future, most of it was simply wrong.
I felt so many of the same things you wrote.
For example, if the first thing she writes is something about her job, then it's probably something she's proud of.
And I didn't review «Before Midnight» because I did a story about the film — the last thing I wrote before I left the AP.
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