Sentences with phrase «thinning ice»

The phrase "thinning ice" means that the ice is getting thinner or melting, suggesting that a situation is becoming more dangerous or unstable. Full definition
I think they are living on thin ice with the amount of AC games.
He compares the task to pulling newly formed sheets of thin ice off a pond in winter.
Tomorrow we might just go ahead and turn north before hitting the coast because we think we see thin ice in front of us.
You are now walking on very thin ice with me, and my weight is increasing every damn day.
The fact that game companies had to invent virtual currencies for these transactions is an indirect but clear proof that they too are aware that they're on very thin ice here.
Computer models of ice thickness, and maps of sea ice age both indicated a much thinner ice pack at the end of winter.
As one researcher admits, if you're heading for thin ice, you want a native elder, not an ice scientist, at your side.
If both sets of results are correct, It would imply a broader but thinner ice sheet.
You may know, that arctic sea ice has a high recovery capacity: some colder years are enough to restore it, because thin ice grows faster than old ice.
That's more like a farmer beating his horse for being smart enough not to go over thin ice.
It is important to understand the limits of the current theories and data so that we don't get out onto thin ice with our conclusions.
This is a very bad sign, as thinner ice melts more easily.
Then, we predict the summer ice area depending on the assumption that thick ice remains later and thin ice melts sooner than the average.
Add additional milk if necessary to thin the ice cream out.
Less ice makes warmer water, which makes thinner ice, which melts easier, which makes warmer water... and so on.
That's important because thin ice comes and goes, melting faster in the summer, but the old thick ice should be here to stay.
I suspect that larger tidal currents over shallow water mix ocean heat up to the surface to keep these waters covered by water or dangerously thin ice.
For cookie decorating, you will want a slightly thinner icing.
Ice, particularly thin ice that cracks under foot, can lead to cut paws.
Even though most spots are frozen over, some areas are hollow underneath thin ice, so it's best to go with a local who knows the area and can judge the conditions.
Let's see how that young thin ice is doing.
So why are you still on thin ice by bill - paying day?
It's really annoying when the temperature changes suddenly creating a layer of thin ice like dust made with ice, inside.
But bigger gap will put you on a very thin ice, and you are likely to encounter problems in your search.
It helps us understand the implications of thinning ice cover in the Arctic.
«Europa is the most promising in terms of habitability because of its relatively thin ice shelf and [the presence of] an [underground] ocean.»
In fact, said her NSIDC colleague Walt Meier in a press release, «The strong late season decline [in area] is indicative of how thin the ice cover is.
They also deliver a scathing indictment of the media, American class consciousness, and its corrosive impact on a superlative athlete who was apparently on thin ice from the get go.
However, the discovery in 2015 of an oscillation in Enceladus's rotation known as a libration, which is linked to tidal effects, suggests that it has a global ocean and a much thinner ice shell than predicted, with a mean thickness of around 20 km.
Circulation fields for May through June resulted in hot air masses from south Asia and Africa entering Siberia and the Russian Arctic, as well as increasing sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North - East Atlantic domain, subjecting the relatively thin ice cover to rapid melting.
As the greenhouse effect thinned the ice caps, Arctic air temperatures were rising, driving polar winds south and east.
However, you could be treading on thin ice if the circumstances are not in your favour.
A new NASA study revealed that the oldest and thickest Arctic sea ice is disappearing at a faster rate than the younger and thinner ice at the edges of the Arctic Ocean's floating ice cap.
This year's record - breaking temperatures have robbed the Arctic of its winter, sending snowmobilers plunging through thin ice into freezing rivers and forcing deliveries of snow to the starting line of Alaska's legendary Iditarod dogsledding race.
In the bedroom, closets, hallway and office I'm going to use Silver Feather PPG 1002 - 1, and in the bathroom I'll use Thin Ice PPG1001 - 3.
Volume, in contrast, is crucial in determining the vulnerability of Arctic sea ice to rapid future reductions (since thin ice is much more prone to react strongly to a single warm summer, making single very - low sea - ice summers more likely), and the thickness of the ice determines the exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere.
However, it's quite a different matter melting a long - lived massive ice sheet up to 1.5 km thick that covers over 70 % of the land surface (as happened at the end of the last glacial period), from melting isolated and much thinner ice caps / sheets that only cover about 11 % of the land surface (i.e. present - day).»
Thin ice also allowed the first commercial ship, the MV Camilla Desgagnes to traverse the fabled Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in September, delivering cargo to Inuit villages.
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