Sentences with phrase «time of drought»

For more earth - friendly jeans, choose organic brands — organic farming methods protect the soil, and healthy soil holds more water reserves to help in times of drought.
«They store water, and thus are a source of water during times of drought,» the letter says.
Of course, we can not predict an exact location, duration and timing of each drought event beyond several weeks.
Self - sufficient farming is an attractive proposition in times of drought and high food costs.
But now researchers have found what may be an even stronger pull: Their need for a drink during times of drought.
They found an increase in reports of domestic violence in India and Australia at times of drought; land invasions in Brazil linked to poor weather; and more controversially, a rise in the number of assaults and murders in the US and Tanzania.
The cottage is supplied with crystal clear tested borehole water for times of drought.
In times of drought there were no tithes, so no income.
So the Zulus in time of drought slew a «heaven bird «that the god, melting with grief, might weep and thus cause rain.
«As rainfall patterns change with climate change, it's predicted there will be more times of drought, and more times of excessive rainfall — really big storms,» said Terry Loecke, assistant professor of environmental studies at the University of Kansas and lead author of the new investigation.
By modeling the observed changes in drought recovery times with «business as usual» circumstances for future conditions, meaning assuming greenhouse gas emission trends continued as they have, the researchers were able to predict the future recovery times of droughts.
They generally move about in large flocks finding water during times of drought as well as searching for their diet of grains, grasses, seeds and insects.
Although dryland producers — those who grow crops without irrigation — are more vulnerable in times of drought, many irrigators are gazing warily at dropping water tables.
Cottage is supplied with crystal clear tested borehole water for times of drought.
As in a time of drought strong rivers fail, and cities languish in the molten air with fly - blown plagues.
A miracle which was often repeated during times of drought and general thirst in the army was the production of an abundant yield of water from a little vessel which the Prophet blessed by putting his fingers in it.
The duke wished in consequence of the drought to burn a witch, and a person much emaciated, Ts» ang Wau - Chung said to him, «That is not proper preparation in a time of drought.
In times of drought, when other crops in quinoa - growing areas fail, quinoa can actually increase its yields.
Nestlé has been particularly criticised for extracting water in California for the Arrowhead brand — promoted at the LA Marathon — at a time of drought and without a current licence.
This destroyed the grasses, which normally trapped soil and moisture during times of drought and high winds.
In times of drought, springtails overgraze on the fungi and reduce their numbers.
Yin said scientists have long observed the tendency of plants to slow their growth in times of drought to conserve energy and fight stress, but the genetic mechanisms that guide those interactions were poorly understood.
In times of drought, those with the oldest, or most senior, rights to water would get it first; those with the newest rights would have to wait at the back of the line.
But, Jacob said, the significance of the study is that it shows a new way for scientists to estimate total water loss during times of drought, which would be more difficult to estimate without being able to detect how much the land is being uplifted in dry years.
In times of drought, a bird that can extract food from multiple sources will survive whereas other birds will not.
The Australian government has a water - management plan which aims to ensure that water will be available in times of drought, says Young.
«During the time of the drought,» says Moyes, «pilgrims were coming here from all over.»
One of the ways oil and gas development worsens water scarcity in times of drought is the use of large quantities of water for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and subsequent rounds of fracking the same well, a process called «refracturing.»
Oil industry officials objected to an earlier version of the bill, which would have required oil producers to only use recycled water during times of drought, a move they said would be tantamount to a moratorium on oil production in the state.
In the wild, swarms usually appear after a rainy period followed by a time of drought.
When horses meant power Agriculture, all but impossible in Mongolia in times of drought, could have resurfaced, as well, he said, lending stability to an economy previously dependent on livestock alone.
In times of drought, however, snails end up using water with the heavy oxygen by necessity and are forced to incorporate heavier molecules into their shells.
During a time of drought, a storyteller and his apprentice weave a complex tale to rescue their city from a menacing sandstorm.
Just like an area needs a water back up in times of drought, so does your finance in times of expensive emergencies.
Persistent stress, such as during times of drought, famine, over population, disease, and confinement, causes a natural reaction in some species to cut down on the number in their packs.
They indicate that the mountain has in its interior salt mines, a manante of salt water that arise from this mountain, serves during the time of drought to fill to the wells in form of «irrigation» every 3 days with salt water during a month, so that it is solidified gradually, then has the process for the consumption of the region.
The path is accessible only in times of drought, because it lies along an underground river.
They indicate that the mountain has in its interior salt mines, a manante of salt water that arise from this mountain, serves during the time of drought to fill to the wells in form of «irrigation» every 3 days with salt water during a month, so that it is solidified gradually.
According to Bishop Landa, men, women and children were thrown alive into it as a sacrifice to the gods in times of droughts.
Containing over 1,400 artifacts from the end of the Ancient Maya Empire that have lain undisturbed for more than a millennium, the ATM cave was once used by priests to conduct human sacrifices at a time of drought, warfare, and civil strife.
These offerings took place in times of drought, and men, women and children would be thrown into the well as an offering to the chac god.
For example, local hunting kept larger crop - eating pests at bay, irrigation helped in times of drought, and shamanic intercession took care of storms and blights.
Too much fresh water in times of drought (like right now in California) changes the salt content of the marshes and bay.
Melting of glacial ice could play an important role in maintaining water security during times of drought or similar climate extremes, the committee noted.
Just as the Administration does not consider building a dam in the Grand Canyon during times of drought, we will not consider opening one of the last pristine ecosystems of North America during an oil price spike.»
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