Sentences with phrase «tiny moments»

I also liked the very tiny moments of acting, which felt genuine and real for the situation.
Tiny moments of presence add up to a lot of fuel in your tank when you need to step back from a challenging or stressful situation.
hi, I am a work hard play hard type of guy crazy at times.loves to live life fully and enjoy tiny moments in my life.
At least with «South Park: The Movie» there were tiny moments where you could see they put more work and money into the animation.
Tiny moments with Obi: how he flings himself between my outstretched legs for his weekly pedicure.
Using material as diverse as copper wire, chewing gum, puffs of air, stray socks and neon gas, Canell creates tiny moments of drama («Affinity Unit», pictured above) that hit you like electric shocks.
We can't wait to share the apps they've built to bring tiny moments of awesome to your Pebble everyday.
I agree with the poster above - how closely must you be staring at a woman to catch the possible tiny moment of «exposure» at latch - on or detach, in order to be so mortally offended by it?
Such scenes have the same loose, telling aspects of Swanberg's best work, but wayward, tacked - on sequences of Luke getting in a fight while helping Kate move, the pair exploding at each other over their obvious attraction and jealousies, and the steamroll over such tiny moments.
Artist Paul Cadden specialises in drawing photorealistic cityscapes and portraits in pencil, documenting tiny moments of culture and fleeting emotions.
I think of the characters that appear in each painting as sort of like an archetype of the queer black male — this shamanistic character that sort of travels between dimensions or portals and things like that and explores different tiny moments.
Reviews for «A Billion Tiny Moments In Time...» «Absolutely Phenomenal!»
Some of our biggest career lessons are tiny moments where you gain a better understanding of company culture, how to handle office politics, or how to get - by when dealing with challenging organizational leadership.
As Oscar Grant in Fruitvale Station, Jordan's emotional resonance depends not on revelation but on an accumulation of tiny moments of affect: the little sniff of concern when Oscar's not sure of something, the uncalculated gestures of affection between him and his daughter, his at - turns testy and relaxed interactions with his mother.
Of course, there is no way to tell for sure what this tiny moment might indicate for the Trumps» relationship.
Have we become so lost as a nation that someone with Limbaugh «s limited, perverse and hateful view of the world is even, for one tiny moment, considered as intelligent discourse?
Somewhere along the way I collected all the tiny moments of hurt and embarrassment and insecurity, and I decided they comprised who I was.
I can remember a thousand tiny moments of our days together that I felt so present for... and yet I feel as though I somehow have been cheated out of time and we skipped a decade or so and we really can't be at this place now, can we?
And a tiny moment from the day: Moments after Ezra opened his eyes in the morning Calvin ran to give him a little package he'd made and squirreled away nearly a month ago now - A set of handmade microphones.
You have to grab any tiny moment you can to recharge your batteries.
But rather than turn bath - time into just another to - do, BabyCenter and Aveeno Baby remind you to take a pause, and savor the magic in these tiny moments.
Join BabyCenter and Aveeno Baby as we remind you to take a pause, and savor the magic in these tiny moments.
Eventually they both stood confused by their despatch box, staring at each other - a tiny moment of solidarity as the Commons fell about around them.
The curve is crucial for one tiny moment of every stroke the dolphin makes — the exact moment it switches between up and down.
I moved so many times and sometimes I miss those tiny moments with my family and friends, but they are all in my dreams.
The morning, the evening, the romantic date and the business meeting, are those tiny moments that are making you think about shoes decisions.
What if someone was more impressed with her doing so much with so little, and giving us tiny moments that subtly hint at the sort of mother she's always been and how she's shaped her daughters?
Instead, it unfolds movingly in the tiny moments between Richard and Mildred.
In the latest Comic Book Legends Revealed, discover how a tiny moment in the Dark Phoenix Saga almost turned into a full - out X - Men / Silver Surfer event
It is only really in the tiny moments, a breakdown in the locker room, where the real power of the actress is put on show.
Five «Deleted or Extended Scenes» (5 mins., HD) demonstrate good judgment on the part of either director Craig Gillespie or the studio muckety - mucks, though I would've left in a tiny moment where we see that Amy is not above withholding affection to get what she wants.
It's an epic romance set somehow on a grand scale and also on a very small one, with tiny moments that defined larger ones, each weaving in and out with a precision that takes real talent.
But Loving lives in the tiny moments that precede the court's decision and leans heavily on its actors» subtle performances: A shudder of fear passes across Mildred's face when she picks up the phone to call the attorney, and there's a flicker of triumph once she hangs up.
This famously private woman rarely lets us know what she's feeling; it comes out, around others, in tiny moments.
It's a tiny moment in the film, but honestly, one of the few things I clearly remember after watching it.
But there is a tiny moment of almost - pleasure that shows on his face near the end, in contrast to the blank wild - haired stares elsewhere, that'll make it hard for us to argue with those who will passionately champion his contribution, so fair enough.
That tiny moment of shame, met with comfort, is the skeleton key to the whole movie, and the unexpected turns and allegiances of its third act.
You would deny the world this tiny moment of 15 city / 20 highway mileage pleasure?
So it was nothing to do with the transmission fluid, but wasn't complete co-incidence either: it appears it was caused by some tiny moment of clumsiness while packing away after fixing a completely unrelated problem.
Shifts are quite quick and seamless but the gearbox takes a tiny moment to respond to inputs on the throttle when the vehicle is coasting.
As the story progresses and Shannon's anxiety becomes more evident, each chapter focuses on a pivotal relationship and movingly demonstrates the shifting loyalties, petty jealousies, and tiny moments of short - lived triumph common to childhood friendships.
Some of the pieces here are mere vignettes, tiny moments of observation or connection that span only a page or two, while others resemble longer journalistic pieces in which, inevitably, Crosley herself is the hapless protagonist even as she investigates the capriciousness of modern life.
A tiny moment of ego in an industry that was all about accommodating others.
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