Sentences with phrase «to be a bear»

On the other hand at least I have the option to trade the game in once am bored with it.
Home births are still unusual: 99 percent of babies are born in hospitals, and it has been that way for several decades.
If your child is bored of the same traditional chicken recipes, then it's time to serve him / her some new and yummy recipes without negotiating with his / her health.
Many babies who are born with heart problems or breathing problems require special attention.
I had one before my first child was born in 1990, so I know the feeling well.
It would be silly to suggest that people do not date when travelling, or that any relations are only valid if they are between people who were born on the same soil.
The best dog toys will keep life from being boring for your animals.
Now the next collapse of his reality hits... his son is born into turmoil.
A boy, who was born out of their bedroom routine, without particular love, and who grew like all the rest on this land, that is to say not very well.
Of the 6.3 million children worldwide who died before the age of 5 last year, 1.1 million died from complications associated with being born at less than 32 weeks.
I suspect that it will be quite similar to before being born, but I have no idea.
Since then I have studied human lactation extensively and became involved in a local peer - to - peer volunteer breastfeeding organization after my second son was born in 2004.
That cost should not be born by the debtor for a useless service, and those funds could otherwise be directed towards the creditors if the debtor can afford that amount of debt repayment.
They can also develop it postpartum after being born without it, even if mom's condition has already resolved.
Most babies really do survive even if being born very early!
Both birth parents had issues with drug addiction, and the daughter was born with drug issues, as well.
They will argue how horrible a person one is for not being born again.
You struggle when you are conceived, you struggle when you where being born and after birth the real struggling starts.
Usually the adoptive family and expectant parents will decide on a name together before the baby is born as part of their adoption plan.
Children who are born without brains are not alive.
And there are others — many of which were born after a clear and present danger to the industry was experienced.
The one thing new employees don't want to be on their first day is bored.
This results in puppies being born in the spring.
Looks like a whole new dog was born in the «extra» hair.
After baby is born there are two people to care for, baby and mom.
They are often used in hospitals when babies are born prematurely and have poor suck reflex in order to stimulate the mother's milk supply.
On the other hand, because my second daughter was born so prematurely we waited till she was over a year old before taking her to a pool.
No candidate has ever successfully made a case for how being born here will allow them to be a better representative for the some 400,000 constituents who live here year - round.
At 6:00 PM light contractions started and they grew in intensity starting around 8:00 PM and my son was born just after Midnight.
Each year, thousands of kittens are born during spring and summer — and many end up in animal shelters, waiting for loving homes.
Breakfast will never be boring again if you've got some basics on hand to make a beautiful bowl of goodness to fuel you through the morning.
Scientists always get excited about seeing new stars being born on the other side of the galaxy.
If the kittens are born before 61 days, they will probably require specialized care.
Many kids are bored because we don't teach the way they learn....
The classical view says thought is born from these connections between neurons.
However, if your twins were born at 34 weeks, they may not hit this milestone until 5.5 months of age.
Now if someone choose or like they say was born gay, well I don't care is their live and problem.
Today we have witnessed not just what is a bear market but the grave consequences it can cause to investors who do not have a plan.
Why do you persist in the ways of man (which after some time are boring if nothing else) when a hidden wealth of secret places awaits?
So really, the game idea was born out of the team as much as our creative desires.
Our baby daughter was born about ten minutes later.
A million babies year are born each year with a congenital heart defect.
The artist was born in 1900 and died in 1984.
That's okay because infants are born with extra water weight to tide them over until your milk comes in.
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