Sentences with phrase «to believe in religion»

You do not believe in religion because you honestly think it is true, you believe in it because you fear mortality, need comfort or are seeking meaning in your life.
You do not believe in religion because you honestly think it is true, you believe in it because you fear mortality, seek comfort or are trying to find meaning in your life.
He watched those in high school who were and was impressed how they stood out, were clean cut, didn't smoke or drink and really believed in their religion.
Most people will stop believing in religion when all the pieces of the evolutionary ladder and the origins of the universe are solved by science.
The same is true for people in other religions... their reasons for believing in their religions in the first place are mostly subjective (or regional / cultural) too.
The reality is that numerous studies have shown that the more someone believes in religion, the lower their level of intelligence.
Those that believe in religion belong to the infancy of our species.
On the other hand, if one truly believes in their religion, how can they ever think that being «not too religious» is ok?
If you don't believe in religion look at this as a piece of art... it's that simple.
Your desire and flat out NEED to believe in religion only proves that you have NO ability to be unbiased.
Actually you are trying to force people to believe in your religion through things like law.
And why is it that the gods of each religion resemble the people who believe in that religion?
You do not believe in religion because you honestly think it is true, you believe in it because you are afraid of the unknown.
You sound like someone who has one foot in the door - one who doesn't know what it is to truly believe in religion or not.
There is no scientific evidence that after life exists; you literally have to have faith to believe in religion in the first place.
I'm sorry I don't believe in a religion where women are considered inferior to men, where I'm supposed to believe that there is a vengeful god who I have to fear or go to hell, based on a book that was written by a man a few thousand years ago.
If you admit that and believe you would rather use religion as a crutch to face the unknown future I can sort of respect that (I felt the exact same way just 5 years ago, it's what led me to admit that I didn't actually believe in religion as much as I liked the feeling of security that the belief gave me).
Why do we still believe in any religion which is nothing but a stupid man made philosophy to put constrains on human imagination.
As Christians, it should be also noted to avoid dating non-believers and on the other hand, also do not ever hope or d a «missionary date», or trying to convert someone to believe in the religion by dating him or her.
If people really believed in religion then they would become priests / rabbis / etc and attend church / temple EVERY DAY.
How about all lbg people and especially athiests just stop eating anywhere that has a history or management that is from a religious faith that means almost no grocery stores no restaurants 98 % of the world believes in a religion the other 2 % can just not interact with the rest of us if thats what they want no skin off our backs make the world a better place just become reclusive your already hateful, distrustful and judgmental
Here's a thought: rather than following a group of men who play with little boys or believing in a religion which has you eating flesh and drinking blood every sabath or believing in a divine being that calls for you to stone disobedient children, why don't you simply think for yourself.
no way thinking is wrong and they might decide they do not believe in any religion whatsoever and then what?
Further, any rational person who believes in a religion while denouncing the beliefs of others is a hypocrite of the highest order.
If your an atheist you don't believe in any religion so once again why are you hear trashing someone elses beliefs like you know it all?
What are you telling me here, that we should go with the crowd because so many people believe in god, or to question science (ergo believe in religion, somehow?)
Consistent with his Marxist ideology, he really does personally believe in religion.
I just can't fathom that there are many people who ACTUALLY believe in their religion considering how obviously wrong they are.
The wolrd would be a much better place if everyone who believes in any religion walks into the ocean and drowns!
Writing for the court in Abington v. Schempp (1963), Justice Tom Clark held that public schools can not establish a «religion of secularism,» preferring «those who believe in no religion over those who do believe.»
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