Sentences with phrase «to continue one's learning»

I strongly encourage you to continue learning about student loans before you borrow any, just so that you know what you are getting into.
For continued learning support, it is an efficient reinforcement tool.
Licensed career counselors are often expected to continue their learning in order to maintain their license.
Your child will continue learning through creative play experiences which further cognitive development.
So I feel like there's a lot of continuing learning even after they get on the airplane or train or car and leave us.
I hope you've found this resource useful for your own professional learning and I look forward to continue learning with you in an upcoming blog post, video or course real soon!
For example, when schools encounter an unforeseen natural disaster with a large gap in instructional time from a hurricane or flooding, students can often continue their learning from home.
We encourage you to continuing learning more about the framework and its practical use as a tool for instruction.
Summer meals helps to continue that learning process by putting food into the body to provide fuel so the brain can continue to work.
They then meet for three days to continue the learning experience in a face - to - face environment.
I am willing to continue learning new skills that will enable me to keep up with the ever - changing technology advances that are certainly a part of today's world.
Parents continue the learning at home with discussion and reviewing pictures from the day.
It is vital that students continue learning throughout the entire year.
What our members are doing is helping our students prepare for whatever it is that comes beyond high school, with the idea that they need to continue learning after high school.
He also continues learning as he helps educate students, other veterinarians, producers and caregivers.
Instead, give your learners the chance to continue their learning journey elsewhere.
If you need private money continue learning how to raise private money.
It's also a popular option with educational institutions as it promotes distance learning or encourages continued learning outside of the classroom environment.
Support continued learning for veteran employees by designing content for various learning platforms including video learning and LMS solutions.
Workshop participants continue their learning by implementing / teaching the program with their staff at their home institutions.
Skills practice is a great way to ensure students continue learning all summer long.
Check out these resources for continuing your learning beyond what you'll find in the main sections of this site.
A few teaching strategies involving pets that can help children continue learning even when they're not in school.
Companies are beginning to recognize this and some have developed new programs that offer continued learning opportunities.
Students can continue learning over the holiday break, but teachers face a balancing act in how much - if any - homework to assign their students.
Fortunately, there are options outside of going back to school that give us the opportunity to continue learning without committing to an entirely new degree.
To accomplish this, we strive to continue learning so we can offer our patients the very best and most up - to - date veterinary care.
It would require new approaches to training, higher entry standards and substantial opportunities for continued learning within the profession, including occasions for master teachers to mentor new ones.
These activities help promote continued learning and competency as a medical assistant and are valuable assets to your professional growth.
The company also offers continued learning tuition reimbursement for approved educational courses.
Don't expect to know everything — this is the start of a long and prosperous career and you'll continue learning all the way along.
Continue learning additional skills to help your dog make better choices when faced with difficult situations.
Similarly, I can talk to my two cousins about money and other financial topics anytime I want and continue learning valuable lessons from them.
Children with this kind of aptitude will probably continue learning maths without any teaching.
Kids continue learning how to eat for many months and even years.
Last year was such a big learning experience for us and we hope to continue learning many new things as a part of the blogger community.
By having a library of content ready to go, it's easier for users to see what's available and continue their learning once they've completed a module or video.
A well - designed module gives learners a high chance of correctly answering the knowledge check questions, and this encourages them to continue the learning module.
For instance, if students acquire a genuine love of learning during their school years, they'll most likely continue learning long after they've said goodbye to their last classroom.
Although such opportunities are different than what is offered during the traditional school year, they allow children to continue learning during the summer in measurable and positive ways.
Our purpose is to always continue learning, improving, and modifying our medical and holistic services with advancements in the veterinary field.
My list does actually extend longer than this, there being two things I've left off, namely learn a language and continue learning guitar.
Our blog is a great way for your students to prep for the class and to continue learning afterward.
With extensive study in business administration finance and accounting and skill in related software ready to use experiences abilities and talent for the benefit of an organization that promises continued learning and growth.
Don't ever think that you don't need to continue learning because you think that you have enough experience or perform routine duties adequately.
Whether you're switching titles, changing offices, or moving to an entirely new location, make yourself indispensable by prioritizing continued learning.
Our community values ongoing continuing learning and supporting each other in our growth.
We hope you will continue learning alongside our presenters during this informal cocktail hour.
If you are one of many therapists who asked for more ways to continue learning between our workshops, here's your solution.
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