Sentences with phrase «to feel unwelcome»

Sacca, though he disputes the specific accusation in the New York Times story, also issued a lengthy apology for his part in making women feel unwelcome in Silicon Valley.
Hi Monica, I did attend last year and I didn't feel UNwelcome — it just wasn't really author focused, or inclusive in feel.
And she scheduled regular coffee chats with families, where she learned that parents felt unwelcome at the school.
Homophobic and biphobic bullying — Homophobic and biphobic bullying is behaviour or language that makes a person feel unwelcome, uncomfortable or upset because of their sexuality or perceived sexuality.
Forgive us for enjoying our luxurious church building while so many of your children feel unwelcome and unworthy to even come in.
They talked of parents who feel unwelcome in the school building, and of parents who feel the teachers and school leaders pass judgment on them.
My taking the risk in being vulnerable and sharing that I have felt unwelcome by you and not listened to was not an issue of not having a thick skin.
Many mums feel unwelcome pressure from their relatives to get their child out of diapers and end up passing on the tension to their own child.
As a result, unmet student needs create a cycle of student misbehavior and discipline removals, which leave students feeling unwelcome, isolated and academically behind.
She then threw in a dollop of spirituality for good measure and became a touchstone for millions of women who'd always felt unwelcome at the financial party.
Ironically, this was an «evangelistic» event, but every single person I talked to was already attending a church somewhere, while John, the Buddhist, immediately felt unwelcome.
Having everything around you show you a family that you are not totally part of can make anyone feel unwelcome or an outsider.
Delve a bit deeper into my blog and you will see that since having Leo I haven't always loved motherhood, I struggled a lot when Leo was 2 and went through a biting phase and throwing serious toddler tantrums, I have often questioned if I'm doing it all wrong and have felt the unwelcome effects of «mum guilt» on an all too regular basis.
Incorporating new ideas from women can improve safety in traditionally male fire departments, but the hypermasculine culture in some can make female firefighters feel unwelcome and less likely to share their ideas, according to a new qualitative study from Drexel University.
But that only emphasizes the fact it doesn't take burning crosses to make a person of color feel unwelcome in everyday situations, especially when masculinity and a benign sense of cultural imperialism comes into play.
At meetings like NewSchools Venture Fund and Pahara (a leadership development program run by the Aspen Institute), conservative reformers report feeling unwelcome, uncomfortable, and cowed into silence.
«In the context of the government's offensive anti-immigration rhetoric, I'm extremely worried that this is just another way for them to make people who live in the UK but were born abroad feel unwelcome
Healing the harm of a culture that makes students not only feel unwelcome, but fearful of their surroundings will be an integral step in achieving real reform.
One woman said families feel unwelcome in the schools: «A parent comes in and the secretary says, «What's wrong?
The lack of shoulder room at the rear will make the third passenger feel unwelcomed.
Whatever reason Volition had for first incorporating this into the Saints Row mythology, it's clear that now the team's goal is to make sure no player feels unwelcome in the game's world.
I always want to get into the new MGS games, but the back story is so convoluted that it actually feels unwelcoming... It always seems the trailers are aimed at the hardcore MGS fans, and that I should just move along if I don't understand the subtle references implied by the brief descriptions under people's names.
The screen time that has come to dominate our lives can sometimes appear to be Narcissus» pool, but as the larger objects of our planet begin to rumble — as the oceans rise, hurricanes hit, and radioactive waste is buried — our tiny kingdoms are beginning to feel the unwelcome shake.
Failing to recognize these colleagues is exactly the subtle oppression that continues to keep minority communities feeling unwelcome and underrepresented in the legal profession.
Due to this perception, many older job candidates feel unwelcomed in today's job market.
She is snarky rude all about bureaucracy extremely inflexible and has a way of making everybody feel unwelcome.
Transphobic Bullying — Transphobic bullying is behaviour or language that makes a person feel unwelcome, uncomfortable or upset because of their gender identity.
For those who feel unwelcome, this small gesture can be a gift.
I actually had my initial interview with him and told him about my Crossfit problems (I never have met a box yet where I am not totally intimidated and feel unwelcome by the community), my fear of kettlebells and box jumps, and my laundry list of injuries from years of playing sports, teaching yoga and more.
At one time or another, most e-discovery professionals have felt the unwelcome pressure of a slow - moving document review.
They might only print their promotional brochures in English or advertise in a way that makes struggling students feel unwelcome.
Those unspoken attitudes make many parents feel unwelcome or unequipped to get involved.
The couple is often made to feel unwelcome in the church.
«Regardless of their thought process, it's not great to be in a place and feel unwelcome
Though Hillsong stopped that practice in 2011, some gay congregants have continued to feel unwelcome.
I'm not sure if she'd like it to be brought up, as it isn't really relevant to her job and as far as I can tell, nobody has given her cause to feel unwelcome or in need of support.
Did you ever stop to think that they may have felt unwelcome or like minority.
Do you think blacks don't come to white churchs because the accidentally drive past, or do you think it is something that we do or have done that makes them feel unwelcome?
We spend all of our time here in Canada tripping over one another trying to be «nice» and not offend, or discrimiate, or harrass, or hurt anyone's feelings, or make them feel unwelcome.
Is it your goal to exclude those who disagree with you, or to make them feel unwelcome?
When another pastor misquotes the Bible to imply thhat «outsiders» are dangerous, I feel unwelcome.
David, I see here your affirming comments to some but I feel the same has not been afforded my comment, it does make me feel unwelcome.
It is not right for us to make them feel unwelcome or to suggest that their faith disables them from being loyal Americans.
Why should peaceful, law abiding Americans be made to feel unwelcome or vulnerable in their own country?
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