Sentences with phrase «to find a voice»

The phrase "to find a voice" means discovering your unique way of expressing yourself and being heard. It refers to finding confidence and clarity in your thoughts, opinions, and ideas so that you can effectively communicate them to others. Full definition
As a psychologist and life coach who helps women find their voice in all areas of their lives, my clients frequently approach me to discuss weight loss.
The goal of the Teacher Training Program is to help students find their voice as a yoga teacher.
Its really Kids find the voice of mother very calming and depending.
Of not finding my voice in a foreign written word despite my knowledge of the language.
For almost three decades, I've helped people find their voices and tell their stories to stand out in a crowd.
I think we forget just how difficult it is for a victim to finally find a voice and say something.
Help your child find their voice when they feel like acting out.
What I loved the most from it was the part about finding your voice.
They're comfortable talking about their work and why they believe in it, and they've found their voice for marketing and selling.
Which is why I'm working so hard to help others find their voice through social media platforms.
As a feminist therapist, I try to offer an empowering woman - centered approach to help women find their voice and sense of self again!
The end result is that you will find your voice again; your core Self.
Additionally, we also found the voice acting for this game absolutely superb!
Find your voice before you begin recording so that you remain consistent throughout the entire eLearning podcast.
I did not find any voice controls for the audio system, either.
He tried little abstract stuff until he really found his voice with the collages there.
He knows every word, he just can't say them, but that sure doesn't stop him from finding his voice.
We want to help writers of excellent potential find their voice while shaping tomorrow.
In practice, we didn't find voice command particularly useful.
Let's hope they speak up when the politicians do eventually find their voices.
However, if you do not regularly create documents, you may find voice recognition less useful in your practice.
The actors have gotten better, but are still finding their voice.
When we reach that point, we not only find our voice, but we start learning how to scream.
But since we can't, let's help our kids find their voice so they can stick up for themselves without attacking others.
They want to know was it difficult finding voice actors?
Thirty percent of those surveyed are interested in hands - free control; 17 percent find voice activation to be more user - friendly; 14 percent enjoy flexibility in location.
Find that voice within that insists you simply MUST be an artist.
He claims that we should make an effort to share something small every day emphasizing that you can't find your voice if you don't use it.
As a result, many young people develop leadership qualities and grow in self - confidence and self - respect, often finding a voice that may not be apparent in their everyday lives.
The alternative is to find a voice talent within your team, i.e. a person with a nice voice able to present material in a dynamic way.
You are a wonderful medium helping authors find their voice and elevate their writing from just a hobby to a real business... a source from which they can both learn and earn.
If you enjoy the first 120 pages, read on and you'll soon find your voice added to those in praise of this deep and meaningful novel.
And this talk of «games finding their voice» is nonsense.
As a therapist or other mental health professional, your job in narrative therapy is to help your client find their voice and tell their story in their own words.
It has been enormously rewarding to help this child find his voice.
As the years go by, I find myself making increasing use of three types of questions in my effort to help partners find their voice and come up with the missing conversation.
It is important for artists to understand their past selves as makers in order to be able to find their voice today.
While countless individuals have recently found their voices, I recognize this may just be the beginning for many of them.
Our sexuality is our embodied experience of the longing for union, to know and be known, desire finding voice in skin and lips and movement.
Talk gently with your child before he goes to sleep, otherwise sing a song or tell a short story, because babies find voices of their parents very soothing.
In the long term, it is hoped that the research will inform mental health policy and improve therapeutic practice in cases where people find their voices distressing and clinical help is sought.
His particular passion is helping new teachers find their voices and stay in the classroom.
We work with you to help your book find its voice and help others hear it!
But as much as I hate it, I've found voice recording to be an increasingly valuable and necessary part of my process of writing poetry.
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