Sentences with phrase «to improve health outcomes»

With the goal of improved health outcomes for children through increased emotional engagement of fathers, our research is anticipated to lead to new evidence - based standards for intervention.
The newly created or reinforced collaborations will be dedicated to both building research capacity and improving health outcomes in developing countries of the region.
Despite our average ranking, we have made great strides in improving the health outcomes of our children with improvements seen in all 4 indicators.
However, increased social spending per dollar spent on health care was associated with improved health outcomes at the population level by province.
We work to drive healthcare innovation by improving health outcomes for employers and their most valuable asset - their people.
By improving health outcomes from day 1, the goal of empowering women and girls is attainable.
Screening and treatment of women with early breastfeeding difficulties may reduce the severity of postpartum depression and enable women to meet their breastfeeding goals, thereby improving health outcomes across two generations.
Specifically, our study examines whether certain combinations of population health activities lead to improved health outcomes when implemented over time by community organizations.
If the aspiration is excellence, how can we measure whether it's being achieved and what happens when the government's well - intended goals of improving health outcomes don't actually occur.
An abundance of scientific evidence concludes that mothers and babies who breastfeed experience improved health outcomes and lower risks for certain diseases.
Supporting mothers to breastfeed not only improves health outcomes, it brings savings to the health service and economy as a whole.
However, addressing air pollution and climate change would drastically improve health outcomes and boost the economy.
These included efforts to help reduce health care costs while documenting improved health outcomes.
He will discuss practical, culturally - sensitive, trauma - informed initiatives which have been demonstrated to be successful in improving health outcomes within these communities.
These voluntary, research - based services have a proven track record of improving health outcomes for vulnerable moms and babies and increasing children's school readiness.
In addition, many employers are connecting patient advocacy with improved health outcomes.
There is a growing body of evidence that supports breastfeeding as critical to improved health outcomes of mothers and babies.
Youth and their families were participants in a larger clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of home - based family therapy for improving health outcomes among youth with chronically poorly controlled T1DM.
Mitigation can also provide co-benefits, such as improved health outcomes.
In these positions, she organized faith leaders, community members, and low wage workers, and supported the implementation of policy initiatives that were designed to help improve health outcomes in Black and Latino communities.
Under his leadership, Humana has created an integrated care delivery model centered on improving health outcomes, driving lower costs, enhancing quality, and providing a simple and personalized member experience.
There is no statistically significant evidence that Medicaid improved the health outcomes for those enrolled, but it did increase their financial security and it does seem to have decreased incidence of depression.
«For too long Aboriginal people have suffered shorter lifespans, been sicker and poorer than the average non-Indigenous Australian, however, highly trained pharmacists have a proven track record in delivering improved health outcomes when integrated into multidisciplinary practices,» Ms Turner said.
In the UK, UNICEF commissioned a report, published in 2012 [7], to examine how raising breastfeeding rates could save money through improving health outcomes.
Group prenatal care can substantially improve health outcomes for both mothers and their infants, a new study led by the Yale School of Public Health has found.
Help Me Grow contracted with vendors to provide health ambassadors who link families to services, facilitate referrals and help families improve health outcomes.
The services offered at 1500 Broadway will assist patients in managing their conditions and improving health outcomes while cutting down on the expensive and unnecessary emergency room visits that often resulted prior to the Mall's opening.
Major upgrades on the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus and improvements overall in regional medical care have yet to translate into improved health outcomes in Western New York, according to two major national reports released this week.
Support program offices will be co-located on site to foster improved health outcomes in place of repeated costly hospitalizations for high - need Medicaid clients.
Screening asymptomatic persons for diabetes may lead to earlier identification and earlier or more - intensive treatments, potentially improving health outcomes.
I am excited to see the effect his direction has on the center's existing efforts toward improving health outcomes for Louisiana citizens and its already stellar research portfolio.»
Dr. Fadel Zeidan, assistant professor of neurobiology and anatomy at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, has studied mindfulness for 15 years and has observed improved health outcomes as a result.
Surveys and whole practice research reveal that naturopathic medicine improves health outcomes, reduces healthcare costs, and provides relief for patients with anxiety, menopause, low back pain, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and conditions related to chronic and stress - related illness.
It will examine the evidence on excise tax policy for health, including barriers to implementation, and make recommendations on how countries can best leverage fiscal policies to yield improved health outcomes for their citizens with the added benefit of bringing in additional revenue.
NHTSA helps States and local areas to develop data - driven and evidence - based EMS systems which improve health outcomes from motor vehicle crashes and other health emergencies.
As stated for some time now, community controlled models of care are well documented as the best service delivery model to support improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and through investing in quality improvement processes that benchmark our services and the care provided against international standards, continues to build credibility in the community controlled model of care.
«Doctors and public health experts agree that increased access to birth control is not only one of the best ways to prevent unintended pregnancies, it also improves health outcomes for women and their families,» said Richards.
Most recently her work has been in the area of Indigenous social and emotional wellbeing from a reconciliation perspective, in particular as it relates improving the health outcomes for Aboriginal children and families.
«Her high level experience in government gives her good insights into negotiating the best possible solutions to increase our chances of Closing the Gap in ensuring improved health outcomes for our people
«If we are serious about improving health outcomes for Indigenous people, governments at all levels must do more to improve education, housing and employment outcomes.»
While WRAIR researchers will go on to examine whether sleep leadership training improves health outcomes for soldiers, they believe leadership training that focuses on specific health areas has merit for improved psychological, physical and organisational outcomes.
«Giving students the proper knowledge when they are young will allow them to make informed choices that can improve their health outcomes throughout adulthood.»
As the Lancet Breastfeeding Series stressed in January this year, breastfeeding improves health outcomes for babies and mothers in rich and poor countries alike (read our summary), as well as benefiting society and the economy as a whole.
GP groups are concerned that the federal Government's Health Care Homes model is inadequately funded and will not improve health outcomes for millions of Australians living with chronic and complex conditions.
«From our perspective, this type of outreach is a win - win scenario that can provide physicians with terrific hypertension control rates and patients with improved health outcomes
The city's Healthy Baltimore initiative aims to significantly improve health outcomes for residents by 2015.
He had a particular passion for Indigenous health and worked with governments and Indigenous communities to improve health outcomes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders by addressing the social, cultural and economic determinants of health.
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