Sentences with phrase «to keep spreading the word»

Please keep spreading the word of healing without medications!
In the meantime, thank you to all who make this mission possible, and keep spreading the word about the importance of spaying and neutering all pets!
Our members not only keep spreading the word, but they stay with us because we continue to deliver.
If the idea of being involved with 30 Dates — The Experiments appeals, then please get in touch, either over Twitter @ 30Dates, or by email to thirtydates@hotmail, and please keep spreading the word so we can get as many different voices, and touch as many different people, no matter where they are in the Dating Game!
Many of my fellow New Yorkers keep spreading the word that summer is ending soon.
It's called Hug It Forward, named for how they've been able to build as many schools as they have and how they plan to keep spreading the word in order to build more.
in the Bible it says about Jesus's second coming he would come like a theif in the night, pretty much no one can be sure when he will come, it could be tomorrow, now, next year or next century but until then trust God, keep praying, and keep spreading his word so when Jesus does come more can share in coming to Hevan and being received by the Lord!
Thanks to everyone who pledged their support and please keep spreading the word about Meat Free Monday!
Some may have other motivation for their non belief but keep spreading the word.
Keep spreading the word.
No wonder why new Christian singles join daily and they keep spreading the words out to their friends and online single people.
It will help me decide where to focus my efforts and it will motivate me to keep spreading the word and keep pushing.
true true, keep spreading the word, and ease up on the coffee, that much can't be good!!!!
But, until that initiative gets underway, she'll keep spreading the word that dogs which are a part of a family are safer and happier and that placing a dog on a chain is never a compassionate thing to do.
Let's keep spreading the word that «free» is not a good idea... thanks.
Since then, so much more information is available, but we need to keep spreading the word!
I keep spreading the word and hope more people understand that what we all put in our bodies is so important - animals and people Only now are people around me starting to understand the importance of organic and grass fed.
But it's important that we keep spreading the word that there is a kinder, gentler way to train that will help make dog / owner relationships much better.
We thank you enormously for your support and ask you to keep spreading the word!
Keep spreading the word!
Keep spreading the word, «like» the Grim Dawn Facebook page if you haven't already to help spread the news socially, post on forums and keep pestering those big gaming media outlets to cover Grim Dawn!
What can we do but keep spreading the word?
Let's keep spreading the word!
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