Sentences with phrase «to manage this one»

Having several years of management experience, I am an ideal candidate for the position of managing director with your organization.
In terms of managing by blood sugar (for me) though the results are negligible, and the most important thing is controlling the actual portion.
What works in managing in - office, set - schedule employees won't necessarily work for virtual or flexible schedule staffers.
I used shared boards for managing projects for about six months and it worked well.
Typically, these kinds of clients are sent for coaching by managing partners in their firms.
Location may be something the recruiter can help manage for you with their client.
I certainly did not know this since this is one food we don't manage as an allergy.
These workers are sourced by an internal team, but the third - party partner still manages payroll for you.
How does managed money do when we include all the funds that literally «die trying»?
Though often engineered with processed and refined ingredients, there are a number of diseases that are still best managed by their use.
There are some very good reasons why investors may want to try to take advantage of actively managed funds in select sectors.
She has also also managed fund development for non-profit organizations and political campaigns.
He previously served as managing director of taxes, where he had similar corporate tax responsibilities.
This may involve parent training to help with managing behaviors at home, school consultation to develop a consistent behavior plan in the classroom, or providing individual support to your child.
Contact us to learn more about how managed staffing to meet your project needs for electronic data discovery, no matter how large or complex.
They added that users could also manage who sees their posts and profile information.
They are the people who manage accounts, process all payments, and provide customer support, so transparency and professional attitude is a must.
These findings suggest that CI must be examined differently than general market knowledge and that firms may leverage CI to their tactical advantage at the salesperson — customer interface if managed effectively.
We not only manage properties, but we own a number of properties.
He previously served as managing editor of the magazine.
The important thing is to know they have a system and that they don't just manage accounts on an ad hoc basis.
I couldn't afford to be running a business six days a week and then somehow manage everything at home as well.
The more you focus on managing risk effectively, the more money you will make, it is crucial that you learn to view each trade setup in terms of risk to reward.
Strong attention to detail with success in effectively managing multiple activities and projects.
There are several options for you with managing brokers for your situation.
My background includes successfully managing teams, processes, and initiatives to drive continuous quality control efforts and improvements.
If a trader uses the platform settings to help manage risk even a complete loss on a trade would still leave 75 - 80 % of the account balance.
Experience managing projects from start to finish, including scope planning, schedule development, technical support and reporting to the customer completion information.
It is hoped that this model will deliver better coordinated and better managed services in communities that have been selected to be priority locations.
I have lead a team of creative people while managing multiple projects at the same time.
I did manage just over 105 miles with level 3 regeneration, and max limited power but it was slow going.
Spurs are a more disciplined, more consistent and better managed team so I won't blame the players for losing but there is no reason Spurs put in a better effort.
His departure after 57 years was part of a succession plan for the firm, which manages more than $ 37 billion in assets.
You could become a manager of a team, a development officer or manager, or even managing director.
Emotional intelligence helps people manage stress and it is vital for enhancing workplace relationships.
After 2 - 3 years in practice, it becomes important for them to learn more about managing clients and supervising others.
The book will shorten the learning curve for mastering successful management techniques for the new or experienced managing partner, through helpful guidelines, tips, and examples presented throughout the text.
For companies managed by their principal owners, there may well be dramatic shifts in whether payouts to owners are structured as compensation or as dividends.
Apart from managing care plans and providing direct patient care, nurses are a sign of comfort for patients as they depict hope.
In an era when managed care is paying for shorter duration and less frequent treatment, this study indicates that more than 16 treatment sessions may be needed for some children with anxiety disorders.
Instead of actively managing client investments, ETF providers invest so as to mirror the holdings and performance of a particular stock - market index.
The marketplace is now booming with a wide range of lenders looking to help borrowers like you and me save money while managing student debt effectively and as quickly as possible.
Like a weight - loss or exercise regimen, you'll likely do better at managing money if you have an accountability partner to support you and keep you honest.
Results showed that women were more likely than men to endorse communal strategies when managing conflict with a same - gender friend, but not with a romantic partner.
Stoke have only managed more than one goal in a game just once in their last eleven fixtures.
This month's edition contains some invaluable tips on managing stress through the conclusion of the year, with the usual assortment of scholarships.
I have successfully managed portfolios over $ 1.3 B. Now, I would like the opportunity to bring my unique background to serve the vision of your company as your next Portfolio Manager.
More than that just seems like you don't manage time well and you didn't value the date as much as the other person did, who arrived on time.
A properly managed customer relationship management system can be an effective way to handle your customer knowledge base.
Quite a crazy week, but we always manage time for our podcast.
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