Sentences with phrase «to meet individual needs»

This is done in a variety of ways that best meet the individual needs of families and children.
Your child's teacher will provide a range of lesson experiences to challenge and stimulate their learning while supporting them to meet their individual needs in becoming confident learners.
As your home visitor gets to know you, they will provide information about local services and provide materials and activities that can help meet your individual needs.
You'll get customized coverage that meets your individual needs at a price you can afford.
We tailor and personalize the program to meet your individual needs based on patient interview, lab work, and close monitoring of your health and symptoms.
-- teachers can meet individual needs by setting courses and providing more guidance, or having students monitor their progress and adjust based on awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
Boutique hotels are as good as luxury hotel chains, but they offer something else — a touch of simplicity and flair, and the advantage of meeting individual needs because of their size.
Meetings will be customized to meet your individual needs when it comes to skill - building support for you and your family.
She adds, from a teaching perspective, the tools have also guided lesson planning, enabling them to design differentiated activities meeting individual needs.
It allows students to continue learning on snow days and summer vacation and have that instruction meet their individual needs and pace.
With so many varied roles being played by this one room, it is important that your kitchen meet the individual needs of your family.
Different endorsements and the coverages are provided by the home insurance company and these added endorsements meet the individual needs.
You could be spending an unnecessary amount of money or receive a policy that doesn't quite meet your individual needs.
Works to effectively meet the individual needs of consumers living with a variety of challenges.
Choose from traditional or curved units in a wide selection of types and sizes to create a kitchen that meets your individual needs whilst making a bold fashion statement in your home.
The teacher must be fun, passionate, and enthusiastic while differentiating lessons to meet individual needs in the classroom.
Students are assessed regularly to ensure they are in the strand that best meets their individual needs.
You'll get customized coverage that meets your individual needs at a price you can afford.
We're here to guide them towards retail products that meet their individual needs based on stage of life, activity level and dietary requirements.
The classes are modified and adapted to meet the individual needs of students at all levels of experience and skill.
Boutique hotels are as good as luxury hotel chains, but they offer something else - a touch of simplicity and flair, and the advantage of meeting individual needs because of their size.
«We are focused on meeting the individual needs of diverse learners, from credit recovery to acceleration,» said Sari Factor, CEO of Edgenuity.
I talked with Mark, the owner of Varsity Driving Academy, and greatly appreciate the strict requirements and hands on involvement that both he and his wife have in making sure each driver receives what meets their individual needs at their driving school.
We are faced with a paradox — we now know more about the individual nature of how children learn, their unique personalities, cultural influences, life opportunities (or lack of), and we speak more about meeting individual needs, early intervention and personalising learning.
Odyssey Online Learning (OOL) is committed to cultivating college and career - bound students through meeting their individual needs, giving them personal attention and flexibility, providing goal - oriented and collaborative learning opportunities, and fostering positive communication between students, families and communities.
Collaborated with hospitals, courts, and other social agencies to help clients meet their individual needs as well as help the client utilize community resources
Designs and implemented standards based appropriate instruction to ensure meeting all individual needs including English as a second language learner and students with IEPs (Instructional Educational Plans).
There is a public perception that traditional public schools don't meet the individual needs of all students, and charter schools like Alma d'arte or the New America School serve those individuals, said LCPS Superintendent Stan Rounds.
For over 35 years, Natrol has helped people meet their individual needs with quality, efficacious and safe products, including vitamins, specialty supplement, sports nutrition, herbs and botanicals.
Whether you are single, polyamorous, or part of the LGBT community, there are various sites that are specifically targeted towards meeting individual needs.
Differentiated instruction in eLearning meets the individual needs of learners by custom tailoring not only the eLearning content, but also how the information is conveyed and how learners demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter.
Those who believe their schools are «doing it right» told me that adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of individual special education students also forces them to adapt the curriculum to more closely meet the individual needs of each student in the class — and that the ongoing support of special education teachers and paraprofessionals provides them with the time and resources they need to do it successfully.
To be used in conjunction with the Leicester City Meeting Individual Needs SLCN manual.
From this perspective, students are treated «equitably» when their unequal starting points are acknowledged and when attempts are made to differentially meet individual needs.
Inclusion means broadening our curriculum and our teaching and meeting individual needs within a shared community context.
Renaissance helps educators tailor instruction to meet individual needs so that every student experiences growth and success.
Although in the best flipped - classroom implementations, each student can move at her own pace and view lessons at home that meet her individual needs rather than those of the entire class, most flipped classrooms do not operate this way.
QUEST PLUS and QUEST meet the individual needs of horses as outlined in the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Parasite Control Guidelines.
«Pretty much, if an owner closes their eyes and visualizes how they would like to lay the system out, it is possible, given enough lead time and revenue, to do it,» says Wratchford, adding that among the company's chief goals is to do whatever it can to help facilities meet their individual needs.
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