Sentences with phrase «to need health care»

This is a public health insurance program which provides needed health care services for low.
We know that you're busy, but your pet is an important family member who needs health care too.
You'd owe the least if you didn't need any health care all year long.
A school starts a 100 - percent campaign with the aim to find needed health care for all of its families.
Any time 24 hours a day Because our pets don't always need health care during «business hours» we try to be available when you need us.
Everyone needs health care at some point in life, and demand for health care is not closely linked to economic conditions.
This rapidly - increasing population needs the health care services provided by medical assistants and other health care professionals.
With the anticipated growth of patients needing health care services in the state, a number of new hospitals and health care centers are being constructed and updated.
This yields limited health care access to older generations because of the older population and the unhealthy younger population that is also needing health care services.
They'll all need health care, training schools, each country will need administration buildings, staff.
We wouldn't need health care reform because Jesus could cure everyone with faith healing.
As the region's most trusted reproductive health care provider and an integral part of the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky health care safety net, Planned Parenthood tirelessly advocates on behalf of our patients and also the thousands who unfortunately go without needed health care services.
Rather, one in four Americans avoided getting needed health care because their deductible was too high, the consumer group Families USA reported last year.
(By the way, your child needs a Health Care Plan too, and the staff needs to be trained how to administer your child's epinephrine autoinjector.
Instead, what Republican lawmakers have done, with the express blessing of Gov. Rick Perry, is hurt Texas women, especially the women who most desperately need a health care safety net.
See, this chicago hustler got away with claiming that 40 million americans did not have health care... did that mean that 40 million americans NEEDED health care?
«It does nothing to stop this heartless bill from hurting New Yorkers who need health care most
Are there any Americans who need health care in those districts?
We look forward to being meaningful partners in providing commonsense solutions that enable Americans to receive a full range of needed health care services.»
«It's no surprise that people who newly gained access to coverage under the Affordable Care Act needed health care.
duh!!!! if jesus was here we wouldnt need health care... aka laying on of hands to heall... just saying... do nt believe it... but for all you super christians...
«Before approving any closure plan, DOH conducts an impact assessment on the ongoing ability of community residents, including uninsured and underserved populations, to access needed health care,» Paterson said in the veto statement.
Instead he is listening to an investment banker who has earned a reputation for dismantling needed health care in New York.»
This is the largest evaluation so far of the strategy in the developing world, and the first in West Africa, a region in which many people lack needed health care services.
«We are urging our representatives to ensure that the funding mechanism for this much needed health care reform is not in the form of an excise tax,» says CEA Executive Director John Yrchik.
If you ever needed health care while uninsured, had a plan with a hefty deductible, or owe a hefty out - of - network balance bill you might ask the question, «does old medical debt ever go away?»
We support, monetarily, the veterinarian care for many North Texas rescued Springers needing health care.
Research shows that too many Albertans are forced to give up a family pet because they can not afford needed health care.
Even when they get their way and obtain the desperately - needed health care vote, all wasn't hunky dory in the land of the progressive politician.
Since your health plan is footing at least part of the bill, it will want to make sure you actually need the health care you're getting, and that you're getting it in a reasonably economic manner.
Seeking a job profile of a health care assistant in a prestigious medium scale health care institute which would give me a chance to exercise my skills, knowledge and my extreme dedication towards helping those who needs health care assistance.
This law is the wrong solution — it only serves to create barriers for teens seeking needed health care,» said PPFA President Cecile Richards.
Data on UHCN were collected from the parent Wave 3 survey, including parents» perceived unmet physical health care needs for their adolescents, which was signified by a response of «Yes» for the question: «During the last 12 months, was there ever a time when your adolescent needed health care for physical health problems, but didn't receive it?»
Eventhough the center provides needed health care services to a poorer population in the Bronx, that does not justify bilking government funds to pay for family and friends in high paying jobs, an astronomical buyout provision for the Senator, and of course contributing to the mortgage payment for the Westchester digs.
«Right now, those at the lowest incomes must rely on health care that is highly subsidized by county and state tax dollars, or get by without needed health care
People always need health care and medical devices.
Medical sales jobs aren't tied to the economy — everyone needs health care, which means that recessions don't affect the medical sales arena as strongly as other industries (pharmaceutical sales reps are the exception).
Current events lead us to believe Obama's needed health care reform will finally come to pass.
Your health insurance is most definitely on the «lapse» list, so you'll need a health care plan, figuratively and literally.
For twins Lakesha and Nevaeh, and thousands of other children receiving desperately needed health care, Carlise - Northcutt's recognition of a critical community need will pay huge dividends for years to come.
Activist with Injured Workers Action for Justice expressing frustration at the WSIB's denial of needed health care.
«If I were a hospital CEO, it's one thing to make this pledge ex ante, but it's another thing when you have a population of patients who need health care to stick by it,» he said.
That's one of the huge issues today — young and healthy people assume they don't need health care — or in some cases, can not get health care — perhaps as youths they had medical conditions — and prior to Obama's new law — there were more restrictions as to whom qualified as a dependent under their parents policy.
The Helms Amendment has been restricting women's access to much - needed health care for more than 40 years.
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