Sentences with phrase «to oppose another point of view»

So I guess it is only human nature that those who are in power want to exercise their will, and resist seriously considering opposing points of view.
Conflict in a lesson can can be just as useful — for instance, when students engage with opposing points of view or take on a complex problem.
Nor do I suggest that it should refrain from entering the fray against opposing points of view.
One aspect of that open - mindedness is just being aware of opposing points of view.
Puff Pieces refers to the exaggerated surfaces of these works, but also to the singular and subjective act of expression unchecked by opposing points of view»
In August, students at Hinsdale Middle School, in Hinsdale, Illinois, will train to become Web researchers: They'll learn how to unearth scholarly materials from the Internet, search for opposing points of view, and take control of their own education.
You above all others have seemed to find a way past most anyone's insecurities to welcome and debate opposing points of view and still come out with an appreciation for that person's contributions.
IQ2US debates are designed to expose audiences to civilized debate featuring opposing points of view.
There he early distinguished himself as a mediator between opposing points of view.
Leaders sometimes fail to keep lines of communication open with dissenters and appear to demean opposing points of view.
Through such exhibitions, the Museum continues its policy of focusing on issues prompted by different and often opposing points of view
He uses the term «fearmongers» to apply to those who have the audicity who oppose his point of view.
Using a selective definition of «evidence» to dismiss opposing points of view is not constructive; it is casuistry.
This airing of ideas certainly hasn't led to a consensus among scientists, but it's made the multiverse debate much more nuanced and, in my opinion, more interesting, with scientists moving beyond shouting sound bites past each other and genuinely trying to understand opposing points of view.
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider Opposing points of view from intelligent people.
IQ2US debates are designed to expose audiences to civilized debate featuring opposing points of view.
You shouldn't be provocative for the sake of it, but if you truly have an opposing point of view, it would benefit you to share it.
«Until we have an empathetic point of view for an opposing point of view, we're missing really valuable information and that's true almost in every context, particularly in the business context.»
It is a highly personal issue, where two reasonable and intelligent people can and do come to opposing points of view.
Some people out there who are still searching, can benefit from hearing an opposing point of view to the standard Christian echo chamber.
Sometimes this is done intentionally to present the opposing point of view as a straw man, knowing full well if all the facts were known, then their argument wouldn't be the «slam - dunk» obvious case they present.
«We look upon life these days from two opposing points of view,» writes Carl F. Von Weizsäcker, «from man, and from physical science» (The History of Nature [University of Chicago Press, 1949], p. 122).
Their book is in more book stores... other than that, they all have a predilection to ignore and belittle actual forensic scientific evidence when it opposes their point of view.
We hoped that, in an age of angry online diatribes and weekly public burnings of straw - man arguments, it might be possible to genuinely understand an opposing point of view.
If you should someday become convinced that God is real and become a person of faith, or I should one day become convinced that there is no God and renounce my faith... it would in no way blend these two opposing points of view.
I may have opposing points of view from her but I respect her right to choose and our right to disagree.
The logic used is no more extraordinary or shocking than that which has been in use for centuries to bolster the opposing point of view.
I hope we never lose that, our ability to listen to each other with undivided attention and sincerely try to understand an opposing point of view.
In it, she argues strongly for a flavored milk ban in public schools and she cites my recent post, «My Problem With Jamie Oliver's War on Flavored Milk,» among many other pieces, as advancing the opposing point of view.
Equal representation demands diversity, opposing points of view, and vigorous debate,» said Carni.
The social media site's news - filtering program shuts out some opposing points of view, but not as much as its users do on their own, researchers report online May 7 in Science.
I try to stay open to opposing points of view, but, more often than not, I agree with the liberal side of pretty much every major issue.
The film perpetuates a self - congratulatory vision of the record's worth, when an opposing point of view would have provided a more balanced perspective.
Interestingly and in contrast to Hattie's research, our students have put forward an opposing point of view.
It should be presented from both opposing points of view.
Doing this can give you a clearer idea of what you can write by considering an opposing point of view.
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