Sentences with phrase «to raise one's arm»

Very slowly raise your arms in front of you to no more than shoulder height.
Raise your arms overhead with elbows extended and palms facing forward.
I still couldn't raise my arms above head.
Here's how to find out if you have it: while seated, raise your arm of your painful shoulder forward and hold it straight in front of you.
Raise both arms up above you so they are pointed toward the ceiling.
If we want to be able to raise our arms over our heads when we're 80, we need to work those muscles today!
Raise your arms straight in front of you and lower once they're at shoulder level.
When you're balanced, slowly raise your arms above your head.
Your baby also shows a strong attachment to you by raising his arms when he wants to be picked up and by crying when you leave the room.
Bring your leg back down to the floor while raising your arms back overhead (c).
It wasn't until he saw a video later that he realized he couldn't raise his arm high enough to throw the ball from his usual three - quarters delivery.
Stand against a wall with spine touching it from shoulders to hips, then raise arms parallel to floor.
Have this person raise their arms parallel to the floor, with the wrists extended and the palms facing you.
Next, raise both arms out straight to each side on the diagonal, stopping at shoulder level to create an open T shape with the arms, palms facing each other.
Hold for a brief moment and then raise that arm back to the starting position.
He also regularly raised his arms higher than parallel to the floor before lowering the weights in order to achieve optimal contraction.
Raise the arms until your elbows reach shoulder height and your arms become parallel to the floor 4.
This is the case whether you are rotating your torso to the right and left, walking, running or simply raising your arms.
Raise arm so elbow is at shoulder level and bent to 90 °.
But what if somebody objects that you could simply be raising your arm without any intention at all?
, How come we don't see them step forward and raise arm at same time?.
The tall back supports your head while raised arm rests keep your arms from getting weary even when holding baby for extended periods of time.
Slowly start raising your arms behind you as high as you can, pulling your shoulders back and together at the same time.
Complete the move by sitting up tall, simultaneously raising both arms above the head.
Slightly squat and lower arms until dumbbells reach between your legs, then go up and raise arms shoulder height.
Now raise the arms again, maintain the height of your torso, and stretch the arms out from the sides of the chest.
Some are totally appropriate, like the 12 - month - old who raises her arms up to show mom or dad that she wants to be picked up.
With weights in hand raise your arms up toward the ceiling, palms turned to face each other.
Establish balance by bending slightly in the left leg as you slowly raise your arms upwards and above your head.
With a weight in the hand and thumb facing forwards, the athlete raises the arm, at a 45 degree angle to the body.
Raise both arms towards the ceiling until your arms reach shoulder height (b).
This exercise works by raising the arms away from the body, and is done on both the front, side and back area.
Surely anyone raising their arms should suffer the consequences whenever a collision occurs, just as they should if the balls hits them.
Those who have difficulty raising the arms, may even place the arms on the knees.
Then work on raising your arm directly above your head.
Symptoms of these injuries are pain, swelling, and the athlete will have trouble raising their arm.
Yesterday afternoon, I noticed that my left breast was a lot more sore and tender, and I could barely raise my arm above my head without pain.
She will raise her foot to try to step onto the object, or she will raise her arm automatically.
An additional indicator of AC joint separation is experiencing pain while raising the arm upward.
Raise arms leading with your elbow and small finger to shoulder height.
Raise arms again, this time straight out in front of you (C).
Another woman raised her arms up like a champion for she was finally comfortable in her skin for the first time in her life.
Slowly and smoothly raise your arms up on the wall, maintaining contact with the wall at your elbows, back of your shoulders AND your lower back.
Keep hands on the floor, or challenge yourself and raise both arms along the torso.
Raise both arms halfway so that elbows are bent at 90 - degrees, lower and repeat for 8 counts (b).
A lack of flexibility in your shoulders can also limit your ability to raise your arms fully overhead and may contribute to a rounded shoulder posture.
If a regular jumping jack is too difficult, step side to side while raising your arms instead.
The caps of the sleeves are too small so forget raising your arms above your elbows and if it's too windy everyone will get a good view..
Under no circumstances should your blazer feel so tight around your shoulders that you can hardly raise your arms or move around comfortably.
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