Sentences with phrase «to raise the weight»

The phrase "to raise the weight" means to lift something heavy or increase the difficulty or challenge of a situation. Full definition
Raise weights out until they reach shoulder height; try to keep arms straight with a slight bend in the elbows while you initiate the movement from the shoulders.
Start by raising the weight straight out to your side and return to your hip rather than in front of you.
Single - arm cable lateral raise Grab a D - handle and raise the weight straight out to your side.
Raise the weights up extending your arms, hold for a brief pause then return at shoulder level.
Raise the weights back to the starting position and repeat.
As you perform the swing through your legs, instead of raising the weight to your chest, raise it all the way up over your head.
If your infant is between 7 and 12 pounds, you will need to add in the infant insert which will raise the weight slightly.
Remember to raise the weights leading with the elbows.
So don't hesitate to raise the weight within reason if you don't think you have perfect technique.
Raise the weights up, out to your sides with straight arms.
• Maintaining your upper body in the same position and your arms slightly bent, raise the weights out to either side until they reach shoulder height.
Raising the weight on the bar or grabbing a heavier kettlebell will significantly raise caloric expenditure (AKA help you burn fat around the middle).
Although the anterior deltoid works the hardest during dumbbell lateral raises, the trapezius muscles also get heavily involved to assist in raising the weight and act as stabilizers.
For example, if you are doing biceps curls, you start with a lower weight with high repetitions and gradually raising the weight while lowering the reps. Take a break after 3 sets, then repeat but now you start with the last set you did in a reverse.
The Pebble Steel is shorter and thinner than its predecessor in all three dimensions, but its metal chassis does raise its weight from about 1.3 oz to nearly 2 oz.
It's key that you only raise the weight when your body is off the ground as this increases the intensity — so take your time and make sure your body is all in one line, abs engaged and body weight evenly placed from tip to toe.
Then, keeping the upper arms in place, rotate them until the wrists come directly above the elbows - Using the traps to pull the weight up and then the rotator cuff muscles to raise the weight over the shoulder, press the dumbbells by extending the elbows and straightening the arms overhead - Slowly return to the original position
While hugging your biceps towards your ears, raise the weight toward the sky until your arm is completely extended.
Raise the weights with your arms almost fully extended above you just until before they lock.
It entails raising the weight via the curling of the arms to shoulder level and then lowering the weight to belt level.
Rush - Hour Bench Press - This exercise is done on the vertical seated chest press machine that has a foot pedal to help raise the weight to the starting position.
Metformin, which treats the blood sugar but does NOT raise insulin levels does not raise weight.
So that's another bit of acquisition intrigue under the bridge, but this whole thing raises another weight question: what the hell does Apple want to do with PrimeSense's tech?
Now I can come up, flip the kettle bell and do a little counter weighting movement by raising the weight and making it more challenging, further intensifying the action through the hip flexors and the thoracic spine.
Raise the weights back up, straightening your arms as you go and squeeze the weight at the top of the motion.
Raising the weight on the bar or grabbing a heavier kettlebell will significantly raise caloric expenditure (aka help you burn fat around the middle).
As you inhale, flex your shoulders and raise the weight straight out in front of you while keeping the elbows extended and wrists neutral.
Raise the weights up to eye level while keeping your arms straight.
Keeping the arms extended and maintaining a slight bend at the elbows, raise the weights out until your elbows are at shoulder height and your arms are parallel to the floor, then lower them back down.
Also, always keep your hands and elbows directly in line with each other as you raise the weights up.
Keeping your chest up and your torso stationary, raise the weights to the sides with a slight bend at the elbow until your arms are parallel to the floor, then lower them back down.
Raise the weight back overhead as you lengthen through torso, and repeat.
Then, raise the weight up again and all the way down.
Sit on a flat bench and take a set of slightly lighter dumbbells Retract your shoulder blades and raise the weight up to shoulder height while keeping the arms straight Squeeze your muscles for a 2 second count at the top of the movement, then slowly lower the weight
Raise the weights up like you're pressing them and stop just before lock out.
Keeping your torso stationary and maintaining a slight bend at the elbows, raise the weights in front of you until they are parallel to the floor.
Raise the weights to shoulder height, then rotate your wrists so that the palms of your hands are facing forward and push the dumbbells upward, straightening your elbows.
Focus on using your back, not your arms, to raise the weights.
That means that it should take at least 20 seconds to do your 6 to 8 reps. Therefore, a suitable tempo for a set of six might be 3210, where 3 is the number of seconds it takes to lower the weight; 2 is the number of seconds you pause in the bottom position; and 1 is the number of seconds it takes to raise the weight.
Raise the weight to shoulder height, then return to your side without a pause.
Bent - over lateral raise With your upper body parallel with the floor and slightly bent but rigid elbows, raise the weights out to your sides in line with your deltoids.
Do one set at 50 % of your normal weight for 12 - 20 slow reps, then go up to 70 % of your normal weight and 10 - 15 slow reps. No need to rest between warmup sets for any longer than it takes to raise the weight.
You also want to raise the weight up to your lips.
You grasp the weight with your hand and raise the weight.
Just count how numerous times you raise this weight.
Lift your heels by contracting the calf muscles to raise the weight as high as you can on the balls of your feet.
Using a steady and controlled motion, you should raise the weight by using the forearm muscles only.
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