Sentences with phrase «to read all of one's books»

I haven't read any of his books yet, but now I'm gonna go at it!
This was a great podcast and I'll certainly look at reading both of her books in the next few months.
I couldn't live without my e-reader, read all of my books on screen.
You might also get some comfort from reading some of my books which will help you feel less alone.
If you have never read any of her books, check them out.
If they haven't read any of your books before, they'll need a good reason to pick you (as opposed to one of their other favourite brands).
I haven't read any of your books yet, and I think this would get me sucked in.
It was great and prepared me, but I wish I would have read some of these books as well!
I'll admit that I did too... until I started reading some of their books a few years ago.
I hadn't read any of the books about c - sections because I thought I'd never have one and I wasn't at all prepared.
During the first reading of the book, teachers listen and support students.
Please leave a review for the author if you enjoyed reading any of these books or you found the information helpful.
I remember having a difficult time reading some of the book because of the depiction of persecution, starvation, betrayal.
Sometimes, this is where the buyer will decide on his / her purchase, upon the actual reading of your book.
Each new reading of the book also may help them notice something new and understand the story a little better.
I can't wait to recommend this book to one of my book clubs and to read some of the books which I have added to my «to read» list.
Thus, the first unavoidable prerequisite for writing a book report is a thorough reading of the book in question.
You'll learn more about his work, get special readings of his books, interviews with other writers and more.
I have just read both of your books and absolutely loved them.
I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I've read all of her books many times!
I still plan to read all of the books there, so stay tuned for next month!
If you have read any of the books please share with me your thoughts.
You could enable audio readings of the book and other resources for the reader.
Read some of the books cited in notes 2, 4, 7, 8, 16, 19, and 20, below.
I am in my 9th reading of the book and get more out of it every time.
Ask your school's principal about having an all - school read of a book or article on social and emotional learning for teachers, staff and interested parents.
While she does do the first and last read of a book for me, I can't expect her to put aside her interests for promoting mine.
So, if you have fun reading any of my books, know that I had a ball writing them, because I never know what's waiting for me in the next chapter.
I could literally read either of those books and then start back over from the beginning and read it all over again.
This book promotion site also offers you the entire reading of your book and an honest review about it.
Probably, she or he was reading some of the book series in a print format.
And speaking of long distance relationships, you'll get something good out of reading any of the books mentioned here.
I tend to find an author and then read all of their books and then move on to the next.
I've read some of his books on these subjects, and I'm still not sure what he means!
Even if they've never read any of the books — this is the power of design.
I haven't read any of her books before, so I'll have to head off to the library to check a few out for the summer.
Or read some of the books in my kindle world to get a flavor for what other authors have done.
This is not so significant for a short look, but more problematic for longer time - frames and the actual reading of books.
Haven't read any of her books yet, but would love to start with this one!
Following a thorough reading of your book by an IndieReader reviewer, it will be given a verdict and added to the running list of titles vying for the Discovery Award's top prize on the IndieReader website.
KU pays self - published authors for reads of their books from a pool of money that fluctuates monthly.
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