Sentences with phrase «to read other books»

I would be interested in reading other books by him.
If you spent half the time reading other books that have true knowledge in them, rather than reading small passages at a time of 1 book, you might know that.
I've gone on to read other books about attachment, the general category of positive parenting, and progressive education.
I can't wait to read this book & go back & read your other books as well.
And if you've already read the other books, well, obviously you have to read this one too.
She is amazing; I plan to read her other books now.
However, reading the other books helps to expand the novel giving it a further depth.
Have you finished reading the other books in the Warming Planet series?
Since read other books by the same author who writes a variety of genres.
An exciting book, looking forward to reading the other books in series.
The reader may know the author because they have read other books by the author, or they may know the author because they have heard the author speak.
Sometime after I first started studying our breed Standard, I also read other books on dog structure and movement, including McDowell Lyons The Dog in Action and Rachel Page Elliott's Dog Steps.
Mustich said the company had the idea when he and B&N Chief Executive Officer William Lynch were in an elevator and Lynch mentioned that he'd liked Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and wanted to read other books like it.
yet he made his own choices in life, like reading every other book except the bible.
I have enjoyed reading the other books by Joshua Harris and this book was no different.
Even with these limitations, there is enough evidence from analyzing the data collected over the past 3 years to suggest that the activities did improve students» familiarity with the books so that they could make informed choices as to which books they selected, which increased the chances they would also read other books with similar content.
Now, I've read other books with fantastic opening hooks which simply fizzled out after that one fast - paced and original scene.
Guests can use the e-ink devices to catch up on scripture, as well as purchase and read any other books available in the Amazon Kindle store.
but don't take my word for it, go read some other books by people that have researched this stuff,,, OR, wait until you hear about it on CNN some 1,900 years after the fact
I then read her other book, La Seduction, equally as good.
Forcing you to read slowly takes up time that could be spent reading other books, and I am always looking forward to my next book (there are thousands to read).
Poking around looking for recommendations and reading other book blogs is fun anyway, and in the process I found yet another new - to - me author that I love.
Whether your book is free at retailers or you're giving it away as a subscriber magnet, you gain fans who then go on to buy and read your other books at full price.
Blogger Catherine Ryan Howard interviews Mark Edwards who encourages writers to read other book descriptions in their genre to get an idea of the tone.
Lucky for you, in this case, many of your readers have read other books set in vaguely medieval universes, so you'll have a broad range of well - known tropes to borrow from.
But it is a good book to wet ones appetite for value investing and hopefully read other books (Bruce Greenwald, Seth Klarman).
I have read every other book Mary Kay Andrews has written and they are all great!
Mustich says the company had the idea when he and B&N CEO William Lynch were in an elevator together and Lynch mentioned that he'd liked Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and wanted to read other books like it.
Hmmm, perhaps all the believers should spend their time reading other books and inventing new ideas to end human suffering..
I've read other books about food intolerances, but none as explicit and detailed as Dr. Scott - Mumby.
«If you see a bookshelf and recognize some of the authors and books on it, it is likely you will enjoy reading the other books as well.»
I haven't read any other books by Stephen King but I'm sure after this I will read alot more.
The app connects to a variety of online sources for free and paid books, and can read other books in non-DRM-protected ePub, eReader, PDF, Comic Book Archive, and DjVu formats.
I have read other books by Wink, which are generally not easy to read, but still highly engaging.
Read every other book you can get your hands on to learn and find new ideas.
I laugh at you all, you talk about chistianity, yet you read other books instead of the bible.
And read other books and see if you have more than standard wisdom in it.
I read other books mainly on history — one of which I remember was Eric F. Goldman's The Crucial Decades (keep in mind that I was only 18 years old).
Did yall ever reaserched where this book came from or who was the first one to compile it, or READ ANY OTHER BOOKS THAT IS N'T CALLED THE BIBLE SO SEE IF SOME OF THE THINGS IN THERE IS CORRECT?
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