Sentences with phrase «to receive one's reward»

It would seem terribly unfair if they didn't receive some reward for inspiring us to work much smarter.
Please note that you can not refer yourself and you will not receive a reward in the event that you attempt to do so.
You will likely receive the reward points if you are getting targeted mail from them.
The team is also investigating whether women who suffer postpartum depression lack receptors for newborn scent molecules or don't receive the reward signals from the baby smell.
Under a fixed schedule, a rat received a reward of food after it pressed the lever a fixed number of times — say 100 times.
Customers receive their rewards as soon as they reach $ 25.
Depending on the issuer, you may only receive rewards when you make signature - based purchases.
You will only receive a reward following the first time that an individual who you refer is approved for and / or receives a student loan refinancing via the referral link shared by you.
When you reach a certain level of points, you will receive a Reward card with money loaded onto it.
I have also received a reward for excellent performance in 2008.
Players continue to face off in 10 - week long online multiplayer seasons until a faction is named the winner and players receive rewards based on their faction's rank.
You can receive your reward after figuring out what level they are on.
They keep record of what they have done and receive reward once a certain number have been completed.
Each time he comes to a new person, he must sit before receiving a reward, and before moving on to a new person.
Any donations placed on a rewards card earn rewards, so make sure you are receiving rewards by using the right card.
Then proceed a step or two into the room or a little farther into the cage, to receive the reward at each subsequent training session.
Eventually, your puppy will associate going to the bathroom outdoors with receiving rewards.
Because children receive rewards when they accumulate points for good behavior, educators worry that this type of system provides the wrong motivation for students.
You spend, and then receive rewards to spend even more?
This is because your dog receives the reward immediately after the barking.
Economic theory suggests that school choice would make it so, in the sense that it would raise demand for highly talented and skilled teachers who receive rewards closely linked to their performance.
Users receive rewards for sharing or visits of other users via the shared links.
We are also removing the bureaucratic barriers to teachers receiving these rewards.
The truth is, all business owners would be wise to ensure that their employees receive rewards for their work that extend beyond the typical paycheck.
The third man received no rewards and got a good chewing out if I remember right.
At the end of each level you can receive a reward item used for crafting new clothes, giving you a reason to keep playing beaten levels for the items you need.
After each tournament, each participant receives rewards based on their final ranking.
Fans who check - in and rate content receive rewards such as virtual stickers and actual gifts for checking in, while the networks are hoping to take home valuable user traffic data.
Children develop math and social skills while receiving rewards.
Surely, then, to love another simply for the sake of eventually receiving a reward would be but a poor parody of love.
On the first day, neither group received rewards for their puzzle - solving ability.
The bees received a reward only if they chose blue, the same color as that seen at the entrance.
They were rewarded when they pushed one lever, and continued to receive a reward pushing the lever up to 20 times.
Employees receive rewards first for learning how to do things, and then again for actually doing them the way they learned.
Again, you can consult the card's fine print to confirm when you indeed receive your rewards.
Those who held and continued a disciplined and systemic approach received rewards!
Adult dogs should always receive rewards for good behavior and be denied rewards for bad behavior.
The dog simply receives no reward when away from your leg, or when pulling on the leash.
Assuming your employer pays you back and you continue to pay off your card balance each month, you're essentially receiving rewards for free.
If you enjoy receiving rewards from stores where you shop frequently, then having a retailer's credit card can make sense for you.
Casual coach travelers are likely to earn far fewer miles per trip and receive rewards less frequently.
The problem is that many credit card companies make earning and receiving your rewards very difficult.
You also would receive any rewards associated with that spending.
While that description is accurate, it's incomplete, and doesn't convey exactly how cardholders receive their rewards.
For every transaction, the token holder receives a reward in the form of ETH.
Members can receive reward payments in fiat currency, if they prefer.
We base the creation of your resume on the concept that you already have the fundamentals you need to strategically place yourself in a position to receive a rewarding position.
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