Sentences with phrase «to reinforce skills»

- For students to continue to develop and reinforce skills in the positive way to deal with problems.
Family resources include take - home activities, family letters, parent nights, and individual meetings to help reinforce skills learned in school.
My kids always appreciate hands - on math, and some of these toys would be perfect for reinforcing these skills.
Parents will receive a daily update on their child and will be asked to participate in weekly training so they can continue reinforcing skills at home.
In this case, the counselor for the reasonable parent can reinforce these skills as ways to help deal with and in some cases «manage» the more difficult parent.
You can keep them occupied with engaging center activities designed to reinforce skills taught during whole group instruction that do not require further instruction and free you to focus on one specific small group.
A 90 - minute brush - up drive will reinforce the skills needed to take the test with confidence.
However, if you approach a group interview with the right attitude, it can be a great way of practically reinforcing the skills required within the job description.
This collection of colorful, fun - filled activity pages is designed to reinforce skills through engaging activities.
You may also find opportunities to reinforce these skills if you play trivia type games or watch trivia game shows together.
You can reinforce these skills when your child is working on homework at home.
This succeeds beautifully in not only reinforcing her skill set but also in offering context to the work done with previous employers.
Focus on competencies, and ways to reinforce skill retention, not learning time.
Then, when your pet is ready to go home, we will show you what your pet has learned and teach you how to keep reinforcing those skills so the learning continues.
Your teen will have to solve problems, ask questions and navigate workplace hurdles without you, so the job search process is the place to start reinforcing those skills.
Once mastered, you might continue to reinforce the skill on a weekly basis.
This means that students can develop mutually reinforcing skills and exhibit mastery of standards for reading and writing across a range of texts and classrooms.
This process also reinforces the skills learned in each chapter and provides valuable behind - the - wheel experience.
If effectively used, technology is an excellent tool for reinforcing skills.
We teach parents the skills kids are learning in therapy and help them look for opportunities to reinforce those skills at home.
To stay informed about a child's progress in daycare or to reinforce the skills learned in preschool at home, parents must effectively communicate with childcare providers or preschool teachers.
Some are simple games or activities that will reinforce skills as they offer a nice break from structured learning.
Encourage family discussions and help students reinforce skills with these Take - Home Activities.
These exercises reinforce the skills by requiring the parent and child to apply them to various situations together, in a written format (again, triggering the left, problem solving side of their brain).
However, if the struggling students are taught only in pull - out groups (and Second Step is not provided for the whole class at Tier 1), students often don't use the skills because neither the teacher nor the other students in the classroom will help reinforce the skills if they have not been exposed to them as well.
I want to share with you this darling Math center to reinforce the skill of sorting odd and even numbers.
I think rather than reference the CLP and have a separate FAQ about worksheets, you should put language in an earlier section discussing the need for moderation in using worksheets and how to use when reinforcing skill development and teaching independent work habits, etc..
While not a substitute for real - world lessons, computer math programs reinforce skills being taught in the classroom.
DBT therefore has five essential functions: 1) to teach skills for more effective emotional and behavioural regulation, 2) to enhance client motivation to use these skills, 3) to ensure clients can use the skills in a wide variety of situations, 4) to help shape an environment that reinforces skill use and 5) to enhance the therapist's own skills and motivation to keep working effectively with the client.
There are a number of Riglet Parks at snow destinations around the world, and paired with Burton's specialized snowboard gear for littles, they help to teach and reinforce the skills necessary for snowboarding with toddlers and little kids.
While not a substitute for real - world lessons, math apps reinforce skills being taught in the classroom.
From kindergarten through fifth grade, teachers reinforce the skills needed for student - driven learning.
You could do this activity once a week to reinforce skills related to estimating, creating a number line, and / or calculating the mean, median, and mode of a series of numbers.
For example, at the middle school level you might include cards that reinforce skills such as squares, square roots, decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, integers, percents A sample of cards at grade 5 might include the following:
The Center on the Developing Child, housed at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has just released a highly usable collection of resources aimed at helping educators reinforce these skills — or encourage their development in vulnerable children.
Field trips to Milwaukee's Central Library reinforce skills by junior high students.
Middle schools were founded on the concept of creating cross-curricular teams of teachers that have the ability to collaborate on projects and activities to help foster connections and reinforce skills across disciplines.
Games provide the spark people need to ignite curiosity, and the rush of winning reinforces skills and information.
Yep the most obvious and simple way to improve the more you surf the better you will get... If you live in a place where there's surf, try and go out no matter what «as long as it's safe» even just a small regular surf will help to reinforce your skill level and wave knowledge.
Professors reinforce those skills throughout the students» education by weaving it into other courses, Rubel said.
Prepare some relevant, quantifiable accomplishments that you can bring up during the interview to reinforce your skill sets.
Created web quests designed to reinforce skills Collaborated with other teachers and administrators in the development, evaluation and revision programs.
The use of video playback holds parents accountable, facilitates greater insight as parents view themselves, provides more opportunities for vicarious learning, allows parents to see the impact of the play session on their children, and permits the therapist to reinforce skills demonstrated and suggest alternative responses and actions when needed.
Take - Home Activities further reinforce skills and encourage family discussions.
To help those efforts, Education World offers 25 ideas that not only reinforce skills taught during the year, but also to entertain students through the summer months.
Sharing information and ideas is important in every area of the child's learning and encourages parents and carers to continue to teach and reinforce skills at home.
Participants will work at reinforcing the skills learned in the Adult DBT Program, and going into more depth with other evidence - based practices to help them reach their life worth living goals.
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