Sentences with phrase «to run the simulations»

The phrase "to run the simulations" means to use a computer program or model to create and test different scenarios or situations in order to see what might happen. Full definition
A second theory proposes that sleep allows the brain to run simulations of fighting, problem solving, and other key actions before testing them out in the real world.
To test the validity of the model, the scientists ran simulations using data from a second group of 120 MS patients.
They're in the process of running a simulation with that factor included.
The study also runs simulations for just natural temperature influences (Figure 3), and just greenhouse gas temperature influences (Figure 4).
The researchers ran simulations with different - sized turbines to see what configuration would be most efficient.
By running simulations, the investigation found the introduction of online dating to a society increased the rate of interracial romance significantly.
That analysis ran some simulations over rolling 30 - year periods and compared to buy - and - hold with a fixed mix of 60 % stocks and 40 % bonds.
They first ran the simulation using only volcanic and anthropogenic influences on the climate.
Of course, today computers are a little more powerful, and I can run a simulation of 100 neurons.
Computer hardware speeds and the programming techniques have greatly improved, so astronomers are now getting to the point where they can run simulations with several billion mass points in a few weeks time.
When his researchers ran a simulation to brighten clouds with sea salt particles, for example, only a few clouds responded.
To explain these emission «echoes,» the team ran simulations of a tidal disruption flare produced from a black hole obliterating a star.
Together with the expectations of the bookmakers, the pairwise winning probabilities are added to the computer model, which then runs a simulation of every possible course of the tournament.
After running simulations on the survivability of various types of civilizations, the researchers found that for the type most resembling ours, «collapse is difficult to avoid.»»
However, OSCs had not been included in this base case and some adjustments had to be made before running simulations (see SI Appendix, section 1 and Table S1 and discussion below for detailed OSC chemistry).
After running the simulations at IU Bloomington, Bacallao confirmed the cyst growth predictions seen in the virtual cysts in experiments using real human cells cultivated from polycystic kidneys from patients at the IU School of Medicine.
Running a simulation based on these two rules, Moussaïd and his colleagues found that as they increased the crowd's density, the model produced crushes and waves of people just like those seen in real - life events such as stampedes or crushes at football stadiums (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073 / pnas.1016507108).
José Pons at the University of Alicante in Spain and colleagues ran simulations of pulsars with different crust configurations.
To observe the effects of differences in sentence length, Lum's team ran a simulation twice.
As shown in Figure 2, the IPCC FAR ran simulations using models with climate sensitivities (the total amount of global surface warming in response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2, including amplifying and dampening feedbacks) correspoding to 1.5 °C (low), 2.5 °C (best), and 4.5 °C (high).
For me it was helpful to see this graph and since I am using this $ 60,000 as a test for this service I have also asked Vanguard to now run a simulation on the expected return of a larger part of my own portfolio with a focus on trying to retire in the next 5 years.
In addition to a business - as - usual scenario, the team ran its simulations under two mitigation scenarios, previously proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in which efforts are made to mitigate global warming to 2 and 3 degrees Celsius, relative to pre-industrial times.
So Simon Jackson, a paleontologist working with researchers at the University of Sheffield, recently ran a simulation showing how prints are distorted and preserved in dry, moist, and very wet sandy surfaces.
This week in video game history — one of the all - time most famous RPG's arrives for PlayStation in the US, one of the longest running simulation series begins, a Continue Reading»
The effect of slightly increasing the correlation of the first lag but running the simulation as a stationary series is to slightly elongate the typical length scale of the simulated process (Isaaks and Srivastava, p196 et seq show this very elegantly).
The scientists ran their simulations at the Center for Computational Research, UB's academic supercomputing facility.
The team compared a D - Wave One device, which has 108 qubits, with two different high - end conventional processors running simulation software that has been optimised to perform the computations in the same way as D - Wave.
Indeed, «Gran Turismo Sport» is the latest entry in the long - running simulation racing series, and it's no doubt going to be another graphical showcase for the PlayStation 4.
«We've had drills for six or seven weeks,» he said, adding that city hospitals have run simulation drills with «secret shoppers.»
Their first instinct was to run simulations involving a planet in a distant orbit that encircled the orbits of the six Kuiper Belt objects, acting like a giant lasso to wrangle them into their alignment.
Zhang then ran simulations representative of the end of the 21st century, assuming a moderate business - as - usual scenario for greenhouse gas emissions projections, to establish how long Hawai'i might enjoy its occasional glimpses of white - topped mountains.
Wirth's project ran simulations using different combinations for three key factors: the epicenter of the earthquake; how far inland the earthquake will rupture; and which sections of the fault will generate the strongest shaking.
«3 - D models help scientists gauge flood impact: One of the first 3 - D RANS simulations of dam breaks in a natural environment performed by researchers.»
«For example, if we're running a simulation where we literally have tens to hundreds of billions of galaxies, we can not follow each galaxy in full detail.
«Using the Pegasus workflow to run simulations sampling, the force - field parameter space saved time and eliminated input errors,» said Lynch.
We're hoping to get stacks of GPU machines where we can run simulations requiring massive computations that help us better understand DNA packing.»
«What's been lacking is the ability to run simulations fast enough to mimic real life.»
Vahmani and Jones ran a simulation of the most extreme case — a complete cessation of irrigation — and found a mean daytime warming of 1 degree Celsius averaged over the San Francisco Bay Area.
Using the Stampede supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center — one of the most powerful in the world — Henry ran simulations that captured the behavior of localized vibrations as never before.
To figure out how this might work, Atri ran simulations using existing data about GCRs to see how much energy they'd provide on some of these other worlds.
The authors ran simulations for many possible scenarios for the size of the continents, the temperature sensitivity of chemical weathering and other factors to get the full range of possible scenarios for average air temperature and ocean pH through history.
To find out how much ash such an explosion would generate, the U.S. Geological Survey gathered data and ran a simulation about the distribution of ash from prior supervolcano eruptions, including those that happened at Yellowstone 2.1 million, 1.3 million and 640,000 years ago.
For this study, Chen and colleagues from Portsmouth University and Universität Heidelberg ran simulations on the Edison supercomputer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) to illustrate how heavy metals expelled from exploding supernovae helped the first stars in the universe regulate subsequent star formation.
The USC researchers applied a regional climate model to California, and Berkeley Lab ran simulations of building energy consumption.
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