Sentences with phrase «to say such a thing»

When people say such things as, «A great work of art is a joy for ever», I say, «Well, there is no for ever».
Wrong — they're getting shit because they didn't say any such thing about the above article.
May they not say such things about you and me.
Either way, if you can read the plainly written word, you can see I didn't come close to saying such a thing in my comment.
Who would have thought that we would ever say such a thing about any sport - utility?
I just love all those who say such things as «I used to believe as you do» scenario's.
Would anyone dare say such a thing to a woman unable to leave an abusive relationship?
But I just don't believe that anyone could be so stupid as to say such a thing over the internet, using a computer.
Yet when they do this, we tend to ignore what they say, because we believe they are only saying such things from spite and anger.
I just thought I'd point out that I'm pretty sure the bible says no such thing regarding the age of the earth.
I simply can not believe any one who considers himself a football fan, could actually say such a thing.
So please check your facts before saying such things that you did.
For somebody to have come out and said such things means clearly she is even working against the government and she will not want that government to succeed.
Anyone who says such things misses that once scientists publish their results, anyone — you, me, anyone — can use the results to work on global warming.
Saying such things indicates that you're thinking broadly about how to get things done, and that's not a bad thought to leave behind.
He doesn't even have his veteran teacher saying such a thing.
I don't know that saying such things automatically destroys credibility.
There is nothing in the posts on this website saying such a thing.
Why on earth would a former life insurance agent say such a thing?
However, you can say all such things through a cover letter instead of your CV.
It never pays to say such things in your profile, as it will turn off women faster than you know.
No scientist I work with ever says such things.
One primary criticism was that my idea was new, and nobody else was saying such things as I had written.
Surgery was fairly easy if you can say such a thing about surgery.
Also, what is the reputation of people who say such a thing?
The general officer commanding 82 division has not said such thing.
The notion that there can not be purpose in living without a god is only indicative of a lack of imagination on the part of the person saying such a thing.
He doesn't want to tell people how to live their lives, and therefore wants there to be as few rules as possible in the OASIS (for the sake of argument, we'll ignore the inherent contradiction of saying such things about a computer program written in code).
(Skeptical Science) When these politicians are asked about the basis for their positions on climate change, they almost always respond by saying such things as they «have heard that there is a disagreement among scientists» or similar responses that strongly suggest they have informed an opinion on climate change science without any understanding of the depth of the scientific evidence on which the scientific consensus view 0f climate change has been based.
Of course, I have «given up» on God for even saying such things.
Again, pronouns are different here, causing no small amount of trouble: people have a hard time saying such things as «between him and her» or «to him and me» — but that's another story.)
In mentoring other Native American students, it is important to say such things because we are often categorized as primitive people who are expected to get lost in the cracks of modern society.
(not that you've said any such thing so far, but it's a common statement I've heard from many christians so I'm heading it off at the pass)(you didn't open your heart enough, you weren't truly contrite, you didn't turn away from your sin, etc..)
The president also claimed that Comey had said there was no evidence of collusion between his aides and Russia, though Comey said no such thing.
Of course, Facebook says such things every few years.
And maybe if they read up on this stuff they wouldnt say such things without a little more thought.
I realize that saying such things brings a hard, unchristian tone into the analysis.
Since the Bible says no such thing, and the minister knows it, what does he do or say after first trying to understand Mr. Jones's meaning and accepting Mr. Jones as a person?
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