Sentences with phrase «to see one's future»

Others see a future in which students have a choice of high - performing charter, magnet or traditional schools.
I do not see a future for minimum billable - hour requirements as they do not benefit the client.
If you don't see a future with someone, don't say yes to that second date!
This becomes especially problematic if we do not see a future with our partner, or if the relationship is dysfunctional or even abusive.
That's not a very big risk, but he does see a future for subprime lending, if one is patient, and can survive the present slump.
In 2014 this figure has fallen further, with only 70 % of students seeing their future as a solicitor.
Your future may seem bleak, or you may struggle to see the future at all.
I can't wait to see future posts on a capsule wardrobe.
Instead, Cuban sees a future when technology can diagnose and design tailored treatments by analyzing your sweat or monitoring your heart rate or breathing.
In the alternative, a couple can now see a future can happen without the other spouse and now is the time to develop a plan for the couple and family.
We can be happy and live in the moment, but I think it is perfectly human to also see the future and where we want to end up.
The company still sees a future for open source gaming ecosystems if the performance can match the need, he suggested.
While it has a strong presence in the phone market, it is with tablets that most analysts see future growth for online purchases.
You can just see your future — you'll be more energetic, happier and healthier.
Because if you can only see the future as a series of crises, then you can not imagine the world ever being a good place.
Been working in your job for a while, enjoy what you do and genuinely see a future there?
Yet it's not hard to see a future without either.
Help me and your fellow authors, publishers and readers see the future through a sharper, more accurate lens.
I look forward to seeing future updates on your lovely home!
I don't really see a future for the latter.
And don't put your value in companies like them who can't see the future clearly and aren't willing to adapt.
It's a question with many aspects to it, but in a way, we have already seen the future, and it's increasingly heavy on technology.
Others say that they even saw their future partner in a dream shortly before meeting them on the dating site.
I hope you'll be back to see future home projects!
I hope they will look deeply at each other and perhaps even see their future selves staring back.
It is great to see our future potential medical professional excited about the field.
Sometimes seeing your future wife in real at the very end of the dating process appears to be very important and meaningful for Western men.
Still, it's easy to see a future star with the training wheels on.
Along the way you'll meet your spirit animal, find the answer to some of life's greatest questions, and possibly see your future children.
I look forward to seeing your future blog posts!
As lovers of all things eco-friendly, we look forward to seeing these future developments reaching full fruition.
A number of big publishers see a future with an unlimited textbook subscription plan.
If the policies are too restrictive, we may indeed see future decisions which find them to be unreasonable under s. 2 (b).
Two, it can be tough to meet the kind of singles you actually see a future with.
And as I add a chunk of oak and sit back, I can see my future moving forward.
I expect you'll see future improvements with the latest Fire TV as well.
Interested in seeing future projects he worked on and acquired?
As you job search, ask yourself these five questions to clearly see your future career path unfold before your eyes.
The third eye sees the future while the physical eyes see the past and present.
I can't wait to see all your future plans for it unfold.
So, I can definitely see a future of e-book sharing that can rival the print book sharing idea.
I can't wait to see your future blackberry creations as well.
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