Sentences with phrase «to see someone in a movie»

I didn't notice this the first time, because I appreciated the supporting cast as minor British actors that I was happy to see in movies like this.
Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to reveal his naked ass?
Football is big business, as seen in the movie Draft Day.
For me, it was the thrill of trying a new dish, one I only saw in movies before.
In sci - fi literature, this idea is not new, but we haven't seen it in movies a lot.
Your son would probably like playing as someone he's seen in a movie before.
Some of the best acting I have seen in a movie in a long, long time — definitely the best acting I have seen this year.
It's a look at old age that we rarely see in movies.
Saw it in the movies when released then again weeks ago on tv.
The filmmaker captures a nice dynamic we don't often see in movies, though we can recognize it from life.
If you want to experience the psychological tension you always see in the movies this is a great game.
Parents may want to discuss this with children who may try and mimic the action seen in these movies.
It goes through the different elements seen in the movie and provides various viewpoints.
But if talking apes looks anything like what we've seen in the movies then we are fine with this scientific development taking as long as possible.
As you can see in the movie poster below I added little arrows in pointing to the toys that I am going to share with you!
He is so much more than a pretty face you always worrying you are going to end up seeing in a movie like this.
The types of dates seen in movies the formal ask, the fancy dinner and the entire.
How often do ever see those in a movie unless they are intentional?
You can find five other things we'd like to see in the movie here.
They are the kind of dogs you are more likely to see in movies sleeping in the arms of their owners.
Currently, Atmos support is most frequently seen in movies, with a steady flow of titles offering enhancements both at the cinema and in the home.
I have did and seen things, that you only see in movies.
This movie isn't something that needs to be seen in a movie theater.
It's such a moving film about a character we rarely see in movies.
This section also features the most surprising shark attack I've ever seen in a movie.
Each world is totally unique, but feels so familiar as you're transported into worlds you've seen in movies before.
This phenomenon is not common in direct vision, but often seen in movies and television.
Have you ever seen in the movies with babies and the scene comes up with the parent having a great bonding moment between them and the baby, then suddenly... Continue reading Toe Tourniquet and What TO - DO Our Trip to the E.R.
You know that cliche seen in a movie where the boyfriend hands his girlfriend a box with a bow on it and she gets so excited because she knows it will be a beautiful piece of jewelry?
It's great to hear your thoughts on the parts and happenings in Manhattan that no one sees in the movies.
i've never made nor eaten a souffle before but i've seen them in movies all the time!
The last main character we get to follow is the real RockNRolla, Johnny Quid [Toby Kebbell], who I have never seen in a movie before.
Sitting on chairs built for children tends to make you feel like you had a sudden growth spurt, the kind only seen in movies about The Hulk.
Particularly when facing several enemies at once, it reminded me of the best sword duels seen in movie history, those where the hero or heroine moves among foes like in an elegant and deadly dance.
I've loved him since his WWE wrestling days and I love seeing him in movies the same way I loved watching Schwarzenegger when I was a kid.
His time before becoming an Olympic runner and his efforts to even race in Hitler's Olympics, up to and including shaking the FÃ 1/4 hrer's hand (not seen in the movie by the way), is enough for a movie in and of itself.
The game features 80s horror pop culture staples seen in movies such as Poltergeist and the filmography of Stanely Kubrick.
At over six hours, the»79 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy had all the time in the world compared to anything seen in movie houses.
Many of us are more familiar with the name Finn, which is short for Finnick, and was first seen in the movie «Hunger Games» and then the vampire TV show «The Originals.»
The world of nature seen in this movie makes me believe that the filmmakers had wolves and bees confused with their thoughts of Alphas and Omegas.
It also casually demonizes the Koreans, though it has someone speaking Mandarin to them at some point, so... Lucy plays like the cinematic manifestation of two kids having a conversation about what they'd like to see in a movie starring Scarlett Johansson: «So she gets smarter and then she knows gun - fu and then she turns into an oil blob.»
You figure they're going to have these in comic book movies now, but the one we get here is one of the absolute best I've ever seen in any movie from any genre.
Gameplay is single or co-op as players fight enemies and follow the storyline through locations seen in the movie.
I was even seen in the movie Goldfinger, James Bond used it.
Complete references from the Frommer's Guide book for Traveling around the world can be seen in the movie Last Stop for Paul.
Danny Trejo (a Rodriguez favorite) is the former Mexican federalé who turns into a one - man strike force after his family is massacred by a drug lord (Steven Seagal — who can't keep his accent consistent, let alone convincing — as the pudgiest Mexican drug lord yet seen in the movies) and he's framed for the attempted assassination of a corrupt Senator (Robert De Niro) by his drug - dealing campaign manager (Jeff Fahey).
I must note that «In Darkness» features more sexuality than I can recall seeing in a movie about the Holocaust.
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