Sentences with phrase «to share the gospel with someone»

The churches have moved toward a new paradigm for expressing what we do in sharing the gospel with others: storytelling.
This provided powerful incentive to share the gospel with people all around the world.
It begins where we all should begin when sharing the gospel with someone — with our sin.
It was a surprise to me to discover how far the churches have moved in common toward a new paradigm for expressing what we do in sharing the gospel with others: storytelling.
She would eventually share the gospel with me and I would resist it for four years.
When was the last time you even heard of a teenager sharing the Gospel with a school friend?
I need a born again christian, male or female, to be sharing the gospel with at our free time.
Following the prayer, the woman nicknamed God's Princess shared the gospel with everyone in the prison cell and said she had faith that they would all be released.
Next time you do evangelism, try to recognize that sometimes, there are more important things than sharing the gospel with words.
I met him at a NASCAR track using his popularity to advance the kingdom of God by sharing the gospel with fans.
But while German churches have been eager to materially support the refugees, Christians aren't on the same page about sharing the gospel with newcomers.
And that's another reason why when I'm sharing the gospel with someone, I'll often do it over a cheeseburger.
Senate majority Leader Mitch McConnell: «The man we recognise today shared the Gospel with more people, face - to - face, than anyone else in history.»
My singleness has often allowed me to share the Gospel with nonbelievers who couldn't understand my way of life.
I have a sign with my ministry name its obvious that mim a christian and i talk to people i share the gospel and i do nt say so you want to believe now, or something like that I just share the gospel with them and they leave I do nt always know if they got saved or not and I do invite them to a bible study.
Rather, we read of «a lanky farm kid from North Carolina» who is a uniquely charismatic and humble human being, dedicated to sharing the Gospel with anyone who will listen.
If they did, and they were an unbeliever, He would first share the Gospel with them.
If you are trying to share the Gospel with somebody, you can do no better than use passages from the Gospel of John.
Because India was involved in world trade at the time of Christ, some traditions hold that Thomas traveled to India to share the Gospel with Jews who had taken up residence in India for business reasons and planted an anchor point for Christians that still holds today.
Unprecedented opportunities are available for sharing the gospel with people we could not previously reach.
He's already shared the Gospel with more than 215 million people in 185 countries, according to the evangelistic association bearing his name, but it seems the Rev. Billy Graham - who's slowed down in recent years - may have one more message to deliver.
For those of you who are working to share the gospel with younger generations, it will serve you well to familiarize yourself with this phenomenon and to look for more from Leah.
Looking back at those many years as a still self - centered churchgoer, I thought I had to immediately make up time by feeding and clothing the poor, visiting the sick, welcoming strangers (Mt 25:35 - 36) and sharing the gospel with everyone (Mt 28:19 - 20).
Whatever you do, invite others to be a part of it — whether it's leading a group through a Bible discussion or inviting others to serve alongside you at the church, an outreach event, or in some other way that brings glory to God in sharing the Gospel with others.
Though this policeman harassed them, these Christians blessed him in return — not only by protecting him when his life was in danger, but by sharing the Gospel with him as well.
You might have noticed that I did not mention anything about sharing the gospel with your neighbors, inviting them to church, or asking them what they think of Jesus.
I heard one pastor last year on the radio say that he never shares the gospel with a child until they are 12 or 13, because he said they can't understand it until then.
Since we at EFCC began to act more like first - century Christians in Canada, we have planted more churches and shared the gospel with more regularity.
Way to share the gospel with a dying person... good grief.
If there was any opening at all, proceed to share the Gospel with them.
If you are a Russian citizen in 2018, it is currently illegal for you to share the Gospel with a friend in your home.
Perhaps Peter would tell the story of how a beastie - filled vision inspired him to share the gospel with an enemy soldier named Cornelius — a Roman centurion who held the same rank as the man who supervised the crucifixion of Jesus.
This post contains some examples of how I evangelize and share the gospel with other people.
My point was and is that our joy in the saving gospel and our mandate and desire to share that gospel with others are not contingent upon a certain knowledge that many or most or any are eternally damned.
Maybe that person you know you should share the Gospel with, but haven't, is the one God is waiting for.
So, my first real and extended experience with American evangelicalism came by way of this unexpected friend who shared the gospel with me.
Just as the sandals helped keep the soldier on his feet in battle, being prepared to share the Gospel with others will help you stay on your feet as a Christian.
This means that putting on the sandals is not accomplished just by knowing what the Gospel message is, but rather by having prepared a plan to share the Gospel with other people.
Well, sadly, that is how we all too often come across to people when we share the Gospel with them.
If you are not really clear what the Gospel is, and if you don't really know how to share the Gospel with others, then in all likelihood, you don't really know if you yourself have believed the Gospel, or if you have believed the right thing, or believed enough.
Maybe God wants you to share the Gospel with a certain co-worker.
She shared the gospel with everyone she came into contact with.
He's saying, «Yes, I am a prisoner, but I am a prisoner because I did what God wanted me to do — namely, share the Gospel with you.
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