Sentences with phrase «to speak like that»

Nothing will kill a conversation faster than someone who speaks like they have nothing to learn from others in the room.
Well done, spoken like someone who knows nothing about football.
It's time to stop speaking like everyone else and avoid using fluff words.
Too bad there is not a 3 second delay on speaking like in live tv.
You love each other, so you may as well speak like it!
Nothing helps lessen the fear of public speaking like knowing what you are talking about.
You have actually spoken like most people who do not understand the bible, i.e. taken things out of context.
To help devise a structure, think of public speaking like telling a story.
Ive never heard many of our fans speak like that about us.
Your toddler might have tantrums, but that occasionally happens since they could not talk, walk, and speak like grown - ups.
We can go for cheap labour hire china girls and train them to speak like local girls.
The couple speak like they are answering questions from an off camera person and in this way they provide information for the viewing audience.
And as soon as we start using it, acting like adults, speaking like equals, our teachers don't want us to talk to them like we're the same.
She has never heard anyone speak like this before.
No one in the media speaks like that anymore.
One indication is, I used to be the only person I knew who speaks like I do.
A litigator once said to me that, although the information I shared was interesting, I spoke too quickly and I should learn to speak like someone on the radio.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak like that about other people.
But despite several big tech companies and new startups promising powerful chat bots that speak like humans when prodded, Jordan believes the complexity of human language it too difficult for bots to master with modern techniques like deep learning.
We don't get to know them very well, we never find out what their relationship to humans (with one exception) was like prior to Snatcher's reign of terror, and we certainly never find out how Eggs learns to speak like other humans.
CFO's are often challenged with speaking like a real person about and to real people because their lives revolve around numbers.
The officers they sent to arrest him refused to obey their orders, giving as their reason, «No man ever spoke like this man» (7:46, RSV).
Someone like an intern or student, who might not realize how outrageous their stilted document might look to real adults in the real world, who understand that leaders of even non-profits they dislike don't generally speak like James Bond villains.
Anyone who has ever incurred the wrath of an old mother hen by threatening her brood can testify to the fact that Jesus was probably speaking like an «over-zealous,» «overprotective» «Jewish» mama here.
But while some are alarmed by this apparently unnatural evolution towards a different mode of reading, we have to remember that we no longer speak like Shakespeare's audience members or write like Chaucer's early fans.
And the characters tend to act and speak like people back in Idaho, etc. — it's really more a function of how my imagination works than anything else.
«He better never speak like that again,» she told a journalist, «or I'll smack him bald - headed.
Hayashi: Many people in our company (KT) were also surprised as regular fans, like «This character speaks like this!?».
One disconcerting display showcases dozens of Barbie heads — just the heads — stuck on top of perfectly arranged spokes like so many Barbie - headed lollipops, showing off the variations of their hairstyles.
As Bryant said, if women have to start thinking more like Mark Wahlberg, to speak up and ask for what they want, than he needs to start thinking more like a woman who doesn't always have the same opportunity to speak like men do.
Jesus did not speak like just a human being.
I was at a comedy gig last week where an atheist made fun out of fellow atheists for speaking like that, saying that they should just «shut the fuck up.»
«lack of self control» ~ «close your legs»... spoken like true morons who don't live in the real world and only want to butt in where they havent been asked to, someone else's bedroom
The kids in Moonrise Kingdom speak like adults, and carry themselves as such; they form search parties, brandish weapons, beach - dance, elope, marry, and kidney stab those who get in their way.
When Atheists speak like it is out of the question, rather than I do not believe it [possibly with even though I tried, I searched, but did not find] then it seems less close - minded.
Speaking like management consultants, the Liberals hobbled themselves against the economic populism of the Conservative party.
On Main Street, the BlackRock CEO's words carry weight too, because the son of a shoe - store - owner dad and college professor mom speaks like a regular guy.
The result should be specific tasks like «write 1 - 2 blog posts per week,» not empty recruiting speak like «handle editorial tasks as needed.»
Spoken like Kant, who suggested that we can never know the «thing in itself» — we can only know a «representation» of the thing.
@ Topanga Canyon Spoken like someone who has let themselves go.
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