Sentences with phrase «to think like someone»

I only recently emerged from that particular group and it was mainly because of thinking like that.
I am a business lawyer who thinks like a businessman.
And, whether we want to start our own companies or not, we have to start thinking like entrepreneurs to become successful.
Just wondering if thinks like temperature, humidity, other particles, etc. can affect how much CO2 gets trapped when layer of ice forms....
We would benefit if more people thought like scientists in facing climate change.
This is not always easy since there are so many different people on this planet and not everyone thinks like you do.
Time for you to weigh - up your own position with thoughts like that.
I soon saw how thinking like lawyers actually meant altering our reasoning structures.
Great minds think a like since I shared an outfit with a hat today too!
It was an out - of - nowhere DIY cult hit pitched at 13 - year - old boys — or the men who still thought like them.
Our attorneys think like entrepreneurs, with a practical, solutions oriented approach.
Those times when thoughts like anger, fear, frustration and so on just won't leave you alone.
If you are a millennial investor — or just think like one — you are likely to have some very different attitudes about investing than previous generations.
Because active learning requires practice and feedback on thinking like an expert (a scientist), it demands considerably greater subject expertise by the teacher.
We have pointed out numerous times about how most successful investors think like owners of businesses rather than owners of stocks.
I never thought I liked kale because I had only eaten it raw in salads.
If you really think like this — PLEASE — for the sake of everyone you love and hold dear, get some counseling!
Those who know how to think like engineers, scientists and artists become flexible thinkers in whatever career they choose.
Who will give me the 3 - P's as discussed in the book Think Like A Man.
See, I didn't even think I liked zucchini before last year.
Why do I say thinks like «layer of silk»?
I used to think like most people do, that if I didn't drink and eat junk food I wouldn't be happy at all.
I sometimes think I like them better than anything on the grill.
I have very big motivation, I always think like a winner and I want to win everything it is possible to win.
So think like a time - challenged recruiter and like a computer to increase your chances of being considered for a job!
It may come as a surprise to some that dogs do not think like humans.
Should data scientists think like marketers who understand how to tell a great story?
Why thinking like a scientist doesn't work in industry and the best way to leverage your academic background.
But then the movie attempts to fool the viewer into thinking like the young priest and the confusion doesn't help the movie in the least.
Until we start thinking like winners and learn how to do our jobs without waiting for «assist», we can't be champions.
Is it not possible that we in fact think like our robots?
If you're trying to get in shape, a negative thought like, «I'm never going to get stronger» is not going to do anything.
She recommends that new agents take a small - business training seminar or webinar to help them begin thinking like business owners, especially when it comes to finances.
You are not going to attract any woman by thinking like this.
Employee owners need to start thinking like business owners, and to do so they need to understand company operations and also the bigger picture of where the company fits into its particular industry.
It requires us to think like social change makers: developing programs, services and messages that will change the behavior and habits of huge segments of the pet - owning population.
We believe the company's management team thinks like owners and is appropriately investing for many years of better - than - average growth.
You're still really young & builders don't often think like a senior but keep these things in mind.
Old thinking like this has no place in today's publishing world.
Very few managers think like that at all... they are on short - term (3 - 5) deals....

Phrases with «to think like someone»

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