Sentences with phrase «to use a primer»

"To use a primer" means applying a base coat or a preparatory layer before applying something else, such as makeup, paint, or a finish. It helps to enhance the performance or appearance of the final product by creating a smooth surface, improving adhesion, or increasing durability. Full definition
I personally don't use a primer on a daily basis.
If you haven't used a primer before, this is your sign to go out and buy one.
What a great suggestion to use primer first and build the color.
We've never used primer on walls, but we've only had to cover lighter colors.
I have been using this primer for almost a month now and been loving it.
I currently don't use a primer as it didn't seem to help.
I never used a primer before, and this was my first time using one..
Within 4 hours of wear it had totally broke apart, even after using a primer, setting powder and setting spray.
I swear by using a primer in the mornings.
I also don't really use primer with this product as it doesn't sink into my pores or fine lines like other foundations.
To prevent this, I always use a primer under white / light paint.
At first I thought this blush will literally fall off like any other mineral make ups if I don't use a primer underneath it.
If you need your eyeshadow to stay on all day, definitely use a primer underneath this.
Of course, on days when I don't feel like bothering with the whole routine I just use the primer to help even out my skin tone.
I have actually never tried using a primer before, after reading your positive reviews, I think I really should invest in one.
I rarely use primer unless I really need my makeup to last a long time, or I'm doing a heavy makeup look and want a perfected complexion.
I never use primer because I just don't know much about it!
I was just wondering if the diy you did without using primer worked as well as the one with it?
I have literally stopped using a primer as it sets a perfect base for makeup.
If using brush - on paint, consider using a primer before applying a new fresh coat of colour.
On days that I only use the primer, my skin looks and feels smooth.
I skipped using a primer because the shadow already has primer built in.
Using a primer goes a long way in keeping your eye makeup together and helping it last the whole night.
So I decided to switch to 100 % Pure since I already use their primer and foundation.
Regarding using primer: the outside of the cabinet had been painted with an oil based paint by the previous owner.
If you were being lazy like me, seriously use this primer.
I have been using this primer for over a year now (currently on sale).
You can use our primer on shopping for health insurance if you want help looking for a more comprehensive plan.
I applied this with a beauty blender after using a primer.
When using a primer, it does not matter that it's fully covered, you just want a thin coat of white all around the pumpkin.
I will say that using a primer with these makes all the difference.
I don't always use a primer or lip liner, but it does help with the longevity of the lipstick!
Do you just use the primer and then just the powder or do you have a colored foundation that you put on in between?
The best way to make your makeup look long lasting is to use a primer underneath.
I did use primer before applying this lip so it lasted a long time, however recently I put it on without and it lasted all afternoon.
This foundation is very lightweight, but it doesn't stay on for the entire day if I don't use a primer or a setting spray.
I have even stopped using a primer and my makeup looks great all day!
I started to use the primer because I wanted to get it out of my makeup case, refusing to throw it out because I had paid for it.
I've never used primer before, but I see it in the shops all the time, I think I might need it, but then change my mind.
The immunoprecipitated chromatin by anti — IRF - 9 antibody was analyzed by PCR using primers specific for RIG - G promoter sequences (+11 to − 288).
Antibody anti-H1N1 induced plasmablast variable genes were amplified by single - cell RT - PCR using primer sets and PCR conditions that were previously published (Wrammert et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2009).
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