Sentences with phrase «to use agave»

I have gluten free dairy free egg free nut free and soy free products as well as using agave nectar in place of sugar!
I followed the recipe with using agave instead of honey and used a slightly different size pan.
Can I also use agave syrup instead of date syrup or do you think that doesn't work?
I don't use agave because of the process.
Meaning, without a bottom nut crust, using agave as my sweetener and mistakenly doubling the chocolate shell!
I am diabetic and my mom is sensitive to sugar and I haven't had a lot of success using agave in place of sugar.
I plan on using agave for the honey for the lower glycemic index.
You can also use agave nectar if it's available near you.
I don't use agave because it gives me headaches; same with cane sugar.
You'll still get a sweet, but not overly syrup - y cocktail when using the agave nectar.
I make this recipe using agave syrup... Works really well - and far less grams of sugar for those who are diabetic.
I'm not a maple syrup fan despite my many, many attempts to join the ranks of fans — I'll just use agave or honey, unless you recommend something else.
I would also suggest substituting maple syrup if you do not like using agave.
I've never used agave nectar before, how much did you use to sweeten per amount of yogurt?
I'm undecided about using agave syrup though as I have read it's not as healthy as it claims to be.
Maybe next time use agave instead of honey and leave out the cinnamon entirely.
And thanks for the tip on using agave and maple instead of the coconut sugar.
But I'm curious why, in light of that comment, that you still use agave, since it is pure fructose?
I don't use agave anymore after doing lots of research.
You can definitely use agave here if that's all you have access to.
I did add some jalapeno pepper, and some ground cumin (personal taste) and instead of sugar used agave nectar.
I've also started using agave lately and thrilled to start learning how to use it in baking.
Since I think I had a very early miscarriage right after I started using agave, I'm staying away from it.
I am going to experiment with making a sugar - free version using agave, I'll let you know how it goes!
I'm considering using agave nectar in my next batch.
Of course I needed a to give it a little twist by using agave syrup.
I am going to experiment using agave or some other natural sugar instead of white sugar.
You could easily use agave or maple syrup in place of the honey or even olive oil instead of the coconut oil.
I did leave out the natural sugar and only used the agave.
Also, I've used agave as the sweetener here.
We have been using agave for quite some time now, and I was wondering if you know if it is good for weight loss.
Just make sure that if you truly want it to be vegan to use agave instead of honey.
If we do use agave in a recipe, maple syrup or honey can typically be substituted in it's place.
I had to use agave because I ran out of maple syrup.
I may have missed it, but did you have a post about not using agave anymore?
I would also suggest substituting maple syrup if you do not like using agave.
We suggest using agave nectar or honey, and a few drops of vanilla extract for flavor.
The original recipe uses agave nectar, which I don't like to use, so I use honey instead and also cut the quantity in half.
Next time I might even omit the sugar altogether and just use the agave.
I don't recommend using agave, as it's highly processed and very high in fructose.
Hi, If I was not to use the agave nectar at all, would it be a problem?
«I even use agave when baking for my nephew who has diabetes and has to check his blood sugar 4 times a day and it causes no spikes in his blood sugar like all other non chemical sweeteners do (should it not if it were similar to HFCS)»
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