Sentences with phrase «to work with people someone like»

People work with people they like so showcasing a bit of personality in addition to professional flare is key.
And one of my rules of life is, always work with people you like.
«If you or a family member / friend are in need of finding ways to overcome hardships, I have over a decade of experience working with people like you who are trying to find ways to stop just surviving and learning how to thrive.
Our staff also have many years» experience of working with people like you to arrange diving holidays to fulfil all their expectations, a job they love!
«We have to work with people like Alipay, WeChat [and] UnionPay.
I've worked with people like Timothy Sykes (celebrity stock trader), Lewis Howes (NYT bestselling author), Neil Patel (co-founder of Crazy Egg, Quicks Sprout, etc.), Gerard Adams (co-founder of Elite Daily), and helped companies like Whitepages, Qualaroo, 24option, Qualaroo, and Xenon Ventures (a VC firm in Silicon Valley).
Personally i feel were fine at CB, i do nt see callum chambers future at Right back, he definately has the size and has the potential to be a top class CB in the future, working with people like Koscielny and Metersacker can only be a learning experience.
Not only do we know that we have 26 hours, at the very least, of storytelling ahead of us, but also to be able to work with people like David Fincher — he'll direct the first episode — and Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright is a dream come true.
She, in turn, built up a grassroots network working with people like Potiker.
Everyone votes with his or her eye on the future that is what careerist do, but now we will see if Corbyn has the where with all to work with people like Eagle and Watson and Benn because Benn looks every bit a leader in waiting for the right.
Engagement can mean anything from comments, to likes, to shares, and so being fully set up for «engagement» is pretty key, ensure you have a comments space that's easy to use, provide share buttons (mine are the blue ones below), work with people like bloglovin so people can like your posts.
Like we pointed out months back, Butterfield has worked with people like Martin Scorsese and now with Tim Burton for Miss Peregrine.
Working with people like DJ or Pete, that's done as much for my acting as anything.
LMD: But you were doing the sort of indie British actor roles around that time, working with people like Ken Russell and Roman Polanski and making films like Maurice, and then your career took a huge turn with Four Weddings and a Funeral.
We are so grateful that we get to work with people like Mollie!
Later he got interested in power and institutions and roles, working with people like Mike Kelley... I don't know another artist who was that prescient in how he could see the position of things in real time.
Roberts did work with people like Carl Sagan on the issue of nuclear winter.
I'm totally a Gonzo and I adore working with people like Kermit.
«I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with over twenty years of progressive experience working with people like yourself who need someone to listen about your daily struggles and emotional needs for a happy life.
While it's important to identify a market poised for growth, to solve a pain point and articulate a customer acquisition strategy, investors want to work with people they like.
One of the few universal truths is that people prefer to work with people they like than those they don't, so make yourself likable.
Everyone wants a friendly work environment, and people generally like to go to work when they work with people they like.
Working with people like this reminds me of carrying heavy luggage.
The bright side: People like to work with people they like, and if you can develop a good relationship with your manager, in most cases, you will be more productive, work harder and stay at the organization longer.
People like you, who want to work with people like us.
«Working with people like that, and the appreciation we get from our students — which is never shortcoming, let me tell you — that's what keeps me inspired every single day.»
I can see why Richard described it as a project of passion, «working with people I like
Some of the jokes fall flat, others are badly telegraphed and it weaves in and out of being a documentary and just a film to the point of distraction but it ' s hard for me to dislike the movie since I ' ve worked with people like this especially the director, Harry Penderecki... only not as likeable.
So, when I get opportunities to work with people like that, I know how lucky I am to get to be there on set.
80 % of those surveyed said «working with people they like is highly motivating» (Source: a Glassdoor study)
It is a great feeling to know in the future I get to work with people like them anytime I stop in.
And people will always want to work with people they like.
Work with people you like and admire.
It's fundamentally true that people like to work with people they like.
Given the fact that the job is hard work and that hard work can not be avoided, work with people you like and respect, and every two years check you are happy.
If you are the partner or close family member of someone who has died as the result of what appears to be medical malpractice, the highly rated medical malpractice lawyers at Cohen & Cohen have worked with people like you and understand how hard and time consuming the grieving process can be.
I work with people like on your initial idea, the strategy to make a successful business and the tactics you need for getting more customers, managing your business effectively.
It is very rewarding for us to work with people like him and we are certain he will be successful in the trucking industry.
Working with people you like and care about is a significant source of job satisfaction.
Let's face it: everyone wants to work with people they like.
We all want to work with people we like, so take a chance and share something personal.
I'm a certified career coach and I work with people like you who are in career transition and in need of guidance and support.
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