Sentences with phrase «toward homosexuality»

In the process, he finds himself exploring four decades of changing attitudes toward homosexuality.
If that experience was a satisfactory one with another woman or girl, the chances of moving toward homosexuality were increased.
And times have changed, including attitudes toward homosexuality.
A typology of four possible theological stances toward homosexuality can begin with the most negative assessment.
These theories reinforce a widespread feeling of revulsion toward homosexuality in patriarchal societies.
Because of traditional Christian attitudes toward homosexuality as inherently sinful, there has been little help for the LGBT movement from the black community.
H - M and its allied organizations could hardly be more explicit in saying that they want adolescents to be favorably disposed toward homosexuality and to feel good about experimenting with their sexual desires.
But this conclusion does not solve the hermeneutical problem of our attitude toward homosexuality today.
And the repugnance felt toward homosexuality was not just that it was deemed unnatural but also that it was considered unJewish, representing yet one more incursion of pagan civilization into Jewish life.
Section 102 of Educational Guidance discusses possible causes, or the «factors which drive toward homosexuality,» as the document calls them.
It has depersonalized social controls based on family and community ties and has contributed to the continuing negative attitudes that society holds toward homosexuality — the rationalistic and efficiency - oriented character of modern bureaucracies is thought by most of society to be inconsistent with more diffuse forms of sexual expression that homosexuality suggests to many people.
It is possible to argue that an unalterable tendency toward homosexuality, when it means the impossibility of traditional marriage, must also mean that one is called to celibacy (the renunciation of sexual activity for God's sake).
August 22, 2014 • As attitudes toward homosexuality shift in the U.S., many gay men say that's created not just more legal freedoms but also greater freedom to express their gender identities.
Born and raised in the Bronx, Glenn Ligon grew up taking art classes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art while learning about identity politics through the racism and discrimination toward homosexuality that he encountered in New York.
The latter included overt negativity toward homosexuality (e.g., that it is disgusting / not natural / should not be allowed), as well as stereotyped talk about gay guys (e.g., «If a boy in my class would tell that he was gay, I would give him a dildo for his birthday» [Dyad 8]-RRB-, and hyper - sexualized talk about lesbian girls (e.g., «If a girl in my class would tell that she was a lesbian, I would find that kind of hot» [Dyad 8]-RRB-.
Coffin refers to four stances toward homosexuality: a rejecting — punitive position, a rejecting — nonpunitive position, conditional acceptance, and unconditional acceptance.
But Sprigg and other evangelicals say changing attitudes toward homosexuality have created a new victim: closeted Christians who believe the Bible condemns homosexuality but will not say so publicly for fear of being labeled a hateful bigot.
From this autobiographical opening, Sullivan turns to what he considers the four prevailing attitudes toward homosexuality.
Along the way, White offers the usual precis of John Boswell's discredited account of Christian attitudes toward homosexuality, and even includes his own letters to Christian notables, including John Paul II, urging them to come to terms with the «latest insights» regarding the moral goodness of the gay life.
There was plenty in that survey regarding evangelical attitudes toward homosexuality, conservative politcs, science, and abortion to keep the Religious Right happy for a while... (but that's for another post!)
The court's opinion contains grim, disapproving hints that Coloradans have been guilty of «animus» or «animosity» toward homosexuality, as though that has been established as un-American.
Here and elsewhere Boswell contends that today's negative attitudes toward homosexuality were not there in the Christian beginnings or in the first millennia.
The cultural - sexual revolution entailed major social and political changes in gender roles, family structures, attitudes toward homosexuality, and much else.
This feeling of revulsion or alienness, or simply of indifference, is no basis, however, for ethical decisions regarding our attitudes toward homosexuality.
This will tend to make him, or her, hostile to societies traditionally organized to favor heterosexuality and the family, and persuade him to advocate policies that seek not tolerance but the transformation of popular or traditional attitudes toward homosexuality.
This is because the once unmentionable has become unavoidable, because of cultural changes toward homosexuality.
While antihomosexual bias has existed in Western culture generally, the church must take responsibility for its share in shaping, supporting, and transmitting negative attitudes toward homosexuality.
changing attitudes toward homosexuality have created a new victim: closeted Christians who believe the Bible condemns homosexuality but will not say so publicly for fear of being labeled a hateful bigot «In the current culture, it takes more courage for someone like Chris Broussard to speak out than for someone like Jason Collins to come out,» says Sprigg, a former pastor.
During the transition period that will precede certification, the military plans to require service members to attend mandatory training sessions intended to change their attitudes toward homosexuality.
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