Sentences with phrase «tradable permits»

Tradable permits refer to a system in which the government allows certain companies or individuals to have a limited number of permits to carry out certain activities that may have a negative impact on the environment. These permits can be bought, sold, or traded among the permit holders. The goal is to regulate and reduce the overall impact on the environment by putting a limit on the activities and allowing market forces to determine who can do them. Full definition
Most others lined up behind some form of tradable permit system.
None envision some countries with tradable permits, some with taxes, and some with both.
Presidential contenders John McCain and Barack Obama have committed to early enactment of mandatory, economy - wide restrictions on emissions, implemented through tradable permits and designed to reduce emissions by 60 to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.
Rather than imposing a fee, it caps the total amount of a pollutant and issues tradable permits under that (declining) cap.
Andy, I fail to see how this idea differs substantially from a 100 % auctioned tradable permit system with a hard cap on permits based on a specific stabilization target.
One such approach is a system of comprehensive tradable permits.
We could endlessly debate the merits of alternative control measures such as tradable permits, taxes, and industrial standards.
By supporting tradable permits for acid rain control, the Environmental Defense Fund seized a market niche in the environmental movement, and successfully distinguished itself from other groups.
Johnstone, N., 2002: The use of tradable permits in combination with other policy instruments: A scoping paper.
Economists often talk as though putting a price on carbon emissions through tradable permits or a carbon tax will be enough to deliver the needed reductions in those emissions.
Under a cap, government sets a limit on total carbon emissions and issues tradable permits up to the limit.
Market - based regulation - Regulatory approaches using price mechanisms (e.g., taxes and auctioned tradable permits), among other instruments, to reduce heat - trapping gas (greenhouse gas) emissions.
Comprehensive tradable permits would allow countries to meet their emissions reduction commitments by reducing emissions or increasing sinks for GHGs in either their own country or in other countries.
In 1968, while studying pollution control in the Great Lakes, University of Toronto economist John Dales hit on a way for the costs to be paid with minimal government intervention, by using tradable permits or allowances.
Tradable permit systems and the use of the Kyoto flexible mechanisms are expected to contribute substantially to emission reductions (medium agreement, medium evidence)[4.5].
The state government would auction off a declining number of tradable permits each year to raise revenue; the revenue from transportation fuels would go to the Highway Trust Fund, while the rest would be invested in various climate - y things ranging from clean energy to protections for low - income residents.
The commission recommended a mandatory system of tradable permits to emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
The major industrial emitters could be required (or induced through taxation for tradable permits) to capture their CO2 emissions or to convert part of their processes to run on power cells and clean electricity.
Despite the potential cost - effectiveness of market - based policy instruments, such as pollution taxes and tradable permits, conventional approaches — including design and uniform performance standards — have been the mainstay of U.S. environmental policy since before the first Earth Day in 1970.
A tradable permit is an economic policy instrument under which rights to discharge pollution - in this case an amount of heat - trapping gas (greenhouse gas) emissions - can be exchanged through either a free or a controlled permit - market.
Pezzey, J.C.V., 2003: Emission taxes and tradable permits: A comparison of views on long run efficiency.
Tradable Permits: These are also known as marketable permits or cap - and - trade systems.
Morthorst, P.E., 2001: Interactions of a tradable green certificate market with a tradable permits market.
When market failures like this occur, there may be a case for government interventions in the form of regulations, taxes, fees, tradable permits, or other instruments that will motivate such recognition.»
If you seriously believe in markets, you should believe that given the right incentives — namely, putting a price on emissions, through either a tax or a tradable permit scheme — the economy will find lots of ways to emit less.
His favored solution would involve establishing a longterm fishery infrastructure that would be controlled by the private sector — a model that would revolve around a system of tradable permits:
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